Buzzfeed, WaPo and New York Times Had Unredacted FISA Application For Over A Year – IOTW Report

Buzzfeed, WaPo and New York Times Had Unredacted FISA Application For Over A Year

CTH: We shared a discussion thread several months ago about how the media are enmeshed within the story of the DOJ and FBI corruption. However, only recently did we discover the media engagements were not just pervasive, they were/are participatory.

As a consequence the same media cannot reasonably report on any aspect of the story without exposing their own duplicity; their only choice is to double down on lies they helped create and promote.

In preparation for explosive developments soon to reach critical mass CTH strongly urges everyone to think carefully about these recently discovered empirical truths:

#1) The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence had the full, unredacted, FISA application on Carter Page since March 17th, 2017Think carefully about that. Think about what every member of that committee has said since March 17, 2017.

#2) With the leak of the Top Secret FISA application, by James Wolfe to Ali Watkins, Buzzfeed, The Washington Post and New York Times have had the full, unredacted, FISA application in their possession since March 17th, 2017.  Again, think carefully about that.  Think about all of their reporting since March 17, 2017.

#3) As a direct consequence of #1 and #2 – The media have deliberately, and with specific intent, falsified their reporting and kept the truth hidden which would undermine their false reporting.  Again, think very carefully about the ramifications.

The media’s role in the DOJ/FBI corruption scandal is not only pervasive, it’s participatory.  MORE

12 Comments on Buzzfeed, WaPo and New York Times Had Unredacted FISA Application For Over A Year

  1. I’ve been following the whole scandal closely since Sundance has been writing about it. As soon as I think all players are pegged, and I understand it all, more pus comes out of the deep state cavity. It’s more than grotesque. The crime ring known as the Intelligence Community (IC) needs to be totally dismantled.

  2. Plain Jane, go over to American Thinker and read Clarice Feldman’s piece from today. Follow the link to Yaacov Apelbaum site, it is a great read, it only takes about two hours to read. LOL.
    This whole operation was much bigger that it looks right now, it was world wide to take down P.Trump. Many more people were involved then we have been told about at this point in time.
    Yaacov’s analysis is from a former spy’s point of view,I think.
    It will be worth the time spent. He does not try to make a judgement one way or the other, he just deals with the facts about what was wrong from the start with the whole Russian dossier. The whole thing is one big lie.

  3. Thanks Goeff C. saltine. I’ll have to print that out. Easier than staring at the computer for 2 hours. 🙂

    Have you noticed the blank stares people give you if you say any facts about this crime. I believe most people only watch fake news. 🙂

  4. It’s all well and good for us to be pissed off as hell, but who among us has law enforcement authority. JEFF SESSIONS YOU WORTHLESS POS WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!! I am sick and tired of waiting!! Trust Jeff Sessions my homesick ass!!

  5. Uncle Al I did not see your reply to PJ.
    You would like the link I posted also.
    Brad I am still on the fence about Q.
    The Treehouse has been the go to place for info since this story started. The link above that you go to is really good new stuff.


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