Buzzfeed’s White House reporter fired – IOTW Report

Buzzfeed’s White House reporter fired

Big Journalism: Adrian Carrasquillo, a White House reporter for the left-wing BuzzFeed News, was fired Wednesday after an internal investigation revealed that he had sent an “inappropriate message to a colleague.”

In a statement to Fox News, BuzzFeed explained:

In responding to a complaint filed last week by an employee, we learned that Adrian violated our Code of Conduct by sending an inappropriate message to a colleague. This followed a recent reminder about our prohibition against inappropriate communications. We are saddened by these circumstances, but we take these issues extremely seriously. We’re committed to ensuring that BuzzFeed remains a place where everyone is treated respectfully by his or her peers.  read more

11 Comments on Buzzfeed’s White House reporter fired

  1. The inappropriate comment was Stating the Trump tax cuts would reduce taxes for the middle class and generate economic growth.
    Directly contradictory to the DNC and media talking points.

    There is no place for dissension in the Progressive MS media.

  2. Shit likes this is what terrifies me. I have a dry sense of humor and sometimes I talk in a way that lends itself to double entendres – if one wants to interpret something a certain way.

    I hate Buzzfeed and all that but I work with a bunch of trigger warning snowflakes. I am on guard 100% of the time but you don’t get to decide when someone wants to take offense even if they are the instigator of a bluer, jokey conversation.

    Everything is a trap and the guy doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt.

  3. Cliche G,
    To survive right now, be friendly, but not friends. Speak only enough to conduct company business. No more, no less.
    And carry a small notebook at work to CYA, write down times, dates, people, events, conversations. Yes, it’s a PITA, but it could save your career.

  4. @Cliche Guevara December 28, 2017 at 11:51 pm

    > Everything is a trap and the guy doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt.

    What the hell, man? You’ve already been told that calling it a trap is hate speech.

  5. DbW: I keep records that would make Project Gutenberg envious.

    Thinking as I do anyway, I never come out and state my true positions on outside matters because my opinions have things both sides will hate viscerally.

    But yea, work is not for friends. I maintain relationships and records in anticipation that one day I’m going to need character witnesses and documentation.

    Its been Pence Rules since Day One but some of our pajama boys are just as dangerous as the entitled sorority girls fresh out of the indoctrination camp.

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