By The Power of [Prog] White Girl! – IOTW Report

By The Power of [Prog] White Girl!

She is offended on your behalf…

h/t Brad.

18 Comments on By The Power of [Prog] White Girl!

  1. The first time I saw this I thought it was sarcasm. But then again, I should know by now that there are a plethora of people that “know what is best” for others and have no problem squashing individual rights to force other to do what is best for them.

  2. Not a problem. We’re bringing in enough across the border to replace the American Blacks too.

    We might keep a few for a zoo or something, and maybe for, eh, “entertaining Massa”, but mostly if we want Black we’ve got Hatians coming in and they’re pretty USED to oppression, so we don’t need those runaway slaves any more, time for their “medicine”, eh, Fauci?

  3. The response to the stupid white girl’s tweet is right on.
    It’s also the same reason for affirmative action.
    Libs think blacks are too stoopid to succeed without the system being rigged for them.
    Hopefully more black people wake up and get insulted as they should have been years ago.


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