May he forever wander around in the sewers beneath the MSM using Olbermann’s signature maps to suckess… 7
THIS is Jim Acostas best sound bite (second video)…. Did you see how quickly he finally gave up the mic when The President looks like he was coming around the podium!…LOLOLOL 4
Someone on X said jokingly that he was going to join “The View”. Yeah, he would fit in with those nasty harpies very nicely! 6
You spelled “good riddance” wrong
May he forever wander around in the sewers beneath the MSM using Olbermann’s signature maps to suckess…
Acosta can always fall back on his original career as a gay porn fluffer.
THIS is Jim Acostas best sound bite (second video)…. Did you see how quickly he finally gave up the mic when The President looks like he was coming around the podium!…LOLOLOL
That was a lotta words to say “I got laid off”.
Fu*k Acosta….
Do what I always do, put your head down and get to work.
Someone on X said jokingly that he was going to join “The View”.
Yeah, he would fit in with those nasty harpies very nicely!
Ain’t a gonna a-Costa us nuthin’ to be done and rid of that silla fool.
Like a Hemorrhoid, He’ll be bugging your ass again!
(probably with a shitty podcast)