Bye Barr – IOTW Report

Bye Barr

I hope security checked his purse before he left for the last time.

25 Comments on Bye Barr

  1. SOB had me fooled. I had very high hopes…

    Kinda finishes the idea that there’s anyone except those in the general public who actually support Trump. Certainly no elected or appointed official could or should ever be trusted again.

    The swamp seems undrainable.

    P.S. Please bring back the edit…

  2. I knew he was a piece of sheet when he first arrived and shortly thereafter insisted he would not look into Obama and some others.
    That let us know that he wasn’t interested in getting to the truth.

  3. Hard to imagine being more disappointed in Barr than I was with Sessions.

    In POTUS Trump’s 2nd term, he should be like that Hitler video that everyone memes. Send everyone except the completely trustworthy (and under threat of firing squad if they steer him wrong) out of the room, and then take their advice UNDER CYNICAL CONSIDERATION. Then go with his unerring gut.

    THEN: Do what the new CEO of State Farm insurance did in Chicago. Build a parallel DoJ in the middle of North Dakota, cherry pick the best of the best of the best (and completely vetted under a microscope), and pull the plug on the entire DoJ complex in D.C. Give the “career” union employees and the lifers a daily sack lunch, a copy of the NYTs, demand their gov’t-issued laptops and phones, rescind their security clearances and badges, and cut off the facility’s internet service. Let ’em rest and vest in their retirement plans, but don’t allow them to transfer or interview for another gov’t job — anywhere. It’s still cheaper to do it that way; they’re not doing anything of use to American patriots, anyway.

  4. Barr: filthy Deep State traitor.
    Just another one following his marching orders to destroy the U.S.A.
    Well, bye Barr…don’t let the wrath of God smite you on the way out.
    There are thousands and thousands.

  5. What Abigail Adams said.

    Federal jobs should all be relocated and dispersed far and wide, in Flyover, America. Make it easy to fire people for cryin’ out loud. And downsize the F¥<% out of the entire government!

    It would be a start👍🍺

  6. @Anymouse – me too brother…

    But that said, he was the ANTE version of a scumbag like Eric Holder a real ‘wingman’. A real lap dog. Do we want THAT? Not sure!?

    IF we want independent agencies, the work of the DOJ is not the first priority of the POTUS, and should not be BUT they of course should be in sync would have been nice…


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