#BYOCUPDAY @ 7-11 ! – IOTW Report

#BYOCUPDAY @ 7-11 !

slurpee bring your own cup day march 18 19

Join the Slurpee Squad in celebrating our 50th birthday all year long.

SNIP: I was just about to head out the door with an oversized cup

Aaaaand then I saw the rules.

11 Comments on #BYOCUPDAY @ 7-11 !

  1. “Cup must fit upright through a 10″ hole”

    OK, that determines the limits to height and width but not front-to-back depth!

    Get yourself a 5-ft length of 10″ PVC pipe, close off each end with an internal plug. Cut a hole near one end and superglue a handle to the adjacent cap. Voila!

  2. My late wife craved Slurpees while she was pregnant with our son who was born in 1982. Me I’ve never cared for 7-11’s because they’re a big rip off overcharging for everything. And I can’t remember the last time I drank a Slurpee, it must’ve 12-15 years ago or more. Excessive amounts of sugar and brain freezes are not my thing. And Big Gulps which I don’t and can’t drink anymore just make me pee all the time which is a big pain since I drive for a living and believe me there’s nothing worse than squirming and crossing my legs etc. trying to hold it till I make it to the next rest room.

  3. Speedway sells any size Speedy Freezes up to 64 ounces for 99 cent every day – and in the summer when it’s hot they lower the price to 69 cent. With a cup.

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