CA Asian restaurant gives diner ‘SEEN RAT’ discount – IOTW Report

CA Asian restaurant gives diner ‘SEEN RAT’ discount

American Mirror: Seeing a rat scurrying around in a restaurant may be enough for any diner to lose her appetite, but apparently the experience is now good enough for a discount, too.

A patron of Fat’s Asian Bistro in Folsom, California allegedly saw a rat while eating at the restaurant last Thursday, claiming it “ran around her feet” during her meal.

Hot 98.3 reports the woman “who believed she would be speaking to a manager at Fat’s Asian Bistro after reporting the incident, was instead handed a receipt with a $30.95 ‘SEEN RAT’ discount.”

That amounted to a roughly 30% decrease in her $116.80 bill.


20 Comments on CA Asian restaurant gives diner ‘SEEN RAT’ discount

  1. Savvy marketing. In my local Trader Joe’s, there is a teddy bear which is hidden in plain sight every day. The kids get a lollipop if they find it.

    What? They made a blockbuster movie about a rat chef, didn’t they?

  2. $116.00 for Chinese food?! That’s a LOT of Chinese food. At the cost of noodles, rice and chopped celery, the restaurant still made a good profit after the discount.

    CA, the most regulated state in the country doesn’t have a regulation on the books about shutting down restaurants with a rat problem apparently bad enough they have a ‘key’ on the register that print “Seen Rat” and calculate the discount? Whoa.

  3. ha! I’ve been to this place with my fiancee’! I think it’s on Sutter Street. Very pricey.

    “You been here too long. You eat too much! You go now! Chop! Chop!”

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