CA: Berkeley mayor affiliated with violent leftist group – IOTW Report

CA: Berkeley mayor affiliated with violent leftist group

Spero:  The mayor of Berkeley, California, Jesse Arreguin is an apparent supporter of an anarchist group known as “By Any Means Necessary” (BAMN). Evidence was found on the mayor’s Facebook page that he has listed himself as belonging or having befriended the anarchist group. Among the other groups with whom he is affiliated are: “PushForProgress,” “Berkeley Progressive Alliance,” and “El Cerrito Democratic Club.”

On its website, BAMN defines itself as a “Coalition to defend affirmative action, integration and immigrant rights and fight for equality by any means necessary.” It has called on its adherents to rally against speakers such as journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, while it has also protested against President Trump and his policies. BAMN’s leader is middle-school teacher Yvette Felarca. She has been accused of multiple assaults during the protests in which she has been involved. Amateur video shows her assaulting her opponents at a rally in Berkeley. MORE

18 Comments on CA: Berkeley mayor affiliated with violent leftist group

  1. He’s bad enough….BUT
    what do you do about a law enforcement/police organization
    that obeys his – IMHO – SEDITIOUS orders to incite violence, since his pigs (…NOT LEOs) shot the explosives and gas canisters into the crowds to FORCE a violent confrontation?!?

  2. Watch the video. Those chickenshit Berkeley cops stood by and watched as one guy got pummeled by several people including this little Yvette Felarca bitch, separated him and rushed him by about 10 people who grounded him then proceeded to kick and beat him while the cops did nothing. They even shooed the little bitch away when they finally had to step in. The DOJ needs to look into that department to see what can be done about cleaning it up. Disgusting.

  3. I hope they turn on him like Robespierre and he gets the justice that he is due. Upon taking his position, this ass swore an oath to Constitution, right? He is a traitor and should be prosecuted.

  4. If they want to play the BAMN card, by all means, LET’S PLAY.

    If the wind blows some anarchist, black lives are more important than mine, or muslim snowflake in my direction, BAMN is my mode of protecting my family and friends. And I’ve seen enough these last few years that I’ve been channeling my inner Patriot, a la Mel Gibson.

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