CA Dams Crumble While Politicians Fiddle in Nonsense – IOTW Report

CA Dams Crumble While Politicians Fiddle in Nonsense

CFP” California Legislators and Gov. Jerry Brown think their job is to stay in power, and that bills to further their leftist agenda are the vehicles. The Oroville Dam spillway breakage is proof of this.

While Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative Democrats have prioritized illegal aliens, refugee, inmate sex change operations, building houses for the homeless, transgender bathrooms, climate change awareness, and hiring Eric Holder to undermine the Trump administration, the Oroville Dam was crumbling. And they knew it. The San Jose Mercury News reported the California Department of Water Resources and 27 water agencies ignored serious warnings 12 years ago because they did not want to incur the extra costs. So they said the repairs were unnecessary.

Thanks to record winter storms, the Oroville Dam (north of Sacramento) is nearly full. However, water levels were nearing the top of the dam by last Friday. State authorities and engineers on Thursday began releasing water from the dam after noticing that large chunks of concrete were missing from a spillway.

“On Saturday, water levels rose so high that an emergency spillway was used for the first time. Officials initially believed the measure worked,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “But on Sunday afternoon, as more water from record storms flowed into Lake Oroville, officials detected a hole in the emergency spillway.”

Officials said they feared the damaged spillway could unleash a 30-foot wall of water on the town of Oroville.  more

25 Comments on CA Dams Crumble While Politicians Fiddle in Nonsense

  1. This is kind of like the TMI disaster. The public won’t know how close disaster came for years yet, if it doesn’t fail next week.

    TMI killed no one. If Oroville fails, there will be scores dead.

    I think Thirdtwin is right: Trump needs to get on top of this publicly. Yesterday.

  2. This is one of the many reasons that I left California. Politicians would tax the crap out of it’s citizens, then piss away the money on bullshit programs while ignoring the infrastructure. CA is a lost cause. It will never recover as long as the people who live there refuse to rid themselves of the mobile mounds of human excrement running the place.

  3. California is lost……I have 3+ decades of running a business here and let me tell you it is LOST. I am close to retirement and can not wait to take my money out of this state and sadly, leave my employees to fend in this horrible state. It is already Mexifornia and with the permanent voting block, there is nothing left for the implosion when the makers check out only leaving the takers who will roll into the streets of Beverly Hills (Just like Berkley) and demand their hand outs. It will become a 3rd world country posing as a state.

  4. GOD TO CA:


  5. They know how to build roads in California though. Take a ride on the 405. You’ll see 20 lanes of cars in both directions going no where. Time to build more lanes, overpasses, bypasses, spaghetti intersections, HOV lanes. There are areas south of LA on the 405 that have been under construction literally for the past 18 years. All this construction and it’s still the most congested roadway. Then they beautify it all with colorful rocks, lights, landscape and use the road as a mechanism to call out anyone who dares water the grass while hiding their cell towers in fake palm trees. Then rip it all up again because another million people showed up last year. California highways are one of the biggest ecological disasters ever to show up in the west, all at the expense of all the other infrastructure crumbling. Way to go, dumbasses.

  6. The federal government needs to starve the state of California. Some people should go to jail if this dam fails starting with the politicians who decided to ignore and not pay for the correction of the damn problems noted 12 years ago.

  7. @flip February 14, 2017 at 10:34 am

    > Trump needs to get on top of this publicly.

    No. He needs to be on top of it privately. And, privately, eight different ways. If, and only if, the dam breaks, he has to be ready to (figuratively) walk right up onstage while Governor Brown is doing his very first propaganda-op blaming Bush, I mean Trump, for this horror, smack him in the mouth (figuratively?) and explain “Now. Here is how we’re going to fix this. And California is going to pay for it,”

  8. Think about this. The dam breaks and destroys the culture, the lives and businesses of the good, hard-working conservative folks in the area, who voted for Trump. Once all the independent and self-reliant folks are wiped out literally and figuratively, the State of Caleee-fornya can bring in zillions of Federal dollars and create public-trough Lebensraun for “immigrants” from Mexico and other third-world sh!tholes. Then, the area becomes on the Leftist stain map.

  9. Just so you know, the Feds cannot come into California unless requested. Jerry Brown does not have the cranial capacity to do that without declaring the area an emergency.

    Lacking brain power is bot considered sufficient grounds for anything, just look at the Dumbi’s in the Congress.

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