CA Dem Congressman Refuses To Leave Tucker Carlson’s Set – IOTW Report

CA Dem Congressman Refuses To Leave Tucker Carlson’s Set

Democratic California Rep. Brad Sherman appeared as a guest on Thursday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” and apparently didn’t feel like leaving after his segment was over.    MORE

24 Comments on CA Dem Congressman Refuses To Leave Tucker Carlson’s Set

  1. I saw that last night.

    It is so damn delicious watching the wheels fly off their wagon in real time.

    I’m counting down the days until November 9th when they stage their “Scream at the Sky” demonstrations. Talk about an exercise in sheer futility!

    It promises to be as good as election night was. I’ll be drinking for that one.

  2. Dumbass democrat
    Tucker ate him alive as usual.
    Then as he and Byron were having a confab he was griping about them talking about him when he was right there.
    Tucker dismissed him in an admirable fashion.

  3. True story: My mom got a phone call from Sherman. Not Sherman’s secretary, not Sherman’s office, but Sherman himself. She lodged a complaint about something, I forget what, and he called her back within the day. I could hear my mom questioning him, etc., all pleasant toned but not letting him off the hook. When she hung up she told me that he just kept repeating himself using different sets of words and promised her this and that. Some stuff he promised had nothing to do with their conversation. Said he would follow up or have someone call her back. Riiiight. She said he sounded like he had slight retardation, but then he is a Democrat, so… LOL

  4. I watched it last night. He started off as a nut, screaming he came on to talk about the tax bill. He just kept screaming about it and impeachment. Anytime I see these folks in interviews or on the floor of the House/Senate all I can ever think about are the number of crazy people who voted for them.

  5. I would like to see conservative commentators expose alinsky tactics in real time while they are debating alinskyites like this asshole. Tucker does it occasionally and it is always educational when he does. I believe the ability to unmask lies of all kinds (and there are many) will be the next phase of the evolution/revolution.

  6. Were the Founding Father ever wrong?!

    Succinct evidence that full Democracy can never work.

    (Nor Socialism, Ponzi schemes, perpetual motion machines.)

  7. I was hoping he would have a bugs bunny voice ala Mel blanc. it would be more appropriate. Great photo. It should go up next to the other California fruitcakes, on targets.

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