CA Dem running against indicted Rep. Hunter disavows his Munich terrorist grandfather – IOTW Report

CA Dem running against indicted Rep. Hunter disavows his Munich terrorist grandfather

Geller Report: Imagine if the grandson of a KKK member such as Cecil R. Price, Samuel Bowers, or Jimmy Snowden were running for a congressional seat as a Republican. What would the reaction be from the MSM? It would be total hysteria. The Republicans would be called a racist party. Van Jones would be having a panic attack on CNN. The Democrat Party is becoming more radical by the day, and are quickly resembling the UK’s Labour Party: a party that embraces anti-Semitism and Jihad.

“Dem running against indicted Rep. Hunter rises in race, disavows Munich terrorist grandfather,” by Adam Shaw, Fox News, August 24, 2018:

California Democratic congressional candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar was barely on anyone’s radar last week in his longshot bid against GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, in an overwhelmingly Republican district.

But after Hunter’s indictment Tuesday on corruption charges, including allegations of lavish personal spending with campaign funds, Campa-Najjar is suddenly a contender.

With his boosted chances, though, has come scrutiny of his dark family past — his grandfather was a member of the Palestinian Black September terror group that killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.  more here

SNIP: If it makes any difference, Hunter is till expected to win.

7 Comments on CA Dem running against indicted Rep. Hunter disavows his Munich terrorist grandfather

  1. Dad said the “horrible” N-word 30 years ago and you must be persecuted and lose your job for this awful “hate crime.” Dad is an actual murdering terrorist – yawn.

  2. Who cares about some old murderous terrorist grandpa. The important thing to know is whether this guy’s dad told a racist joke thirty years ago. Because that would be unforgivable.

  3. In normal circumstances I adhere to not judging the “sins of the father” (in this case grandfather). But this guy has 3 strikes against him.
    Terrorist grandfather
    Mexican on his mother’s side
    Former Labor Admin official under obama.

    Forget that he’s trying to oust Hunter in what appears to be a suspiciously opportune indictment, and that he’s running as a republican, what’s he even doing in the country??

  4. Bcattin, I have to factor in the possibility that the charges against Hunter are bogus and politically motivated. The Dems will take seedy stuff that all pols do and fluff it up into a crime against humanity if a Republican does it. Are we going to be treated to photos of Hunter’s fancy clothes and shoes, like they did with Manafort? Before they dump him, people in his district need to make sure they’re not being stampeded by purveyors of bullshit.


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