CA Democrats Vote to Raise Smoking Age to 21 – IOTW Report

CA Democrats Vote to Raise Smoking Age to 21

Senate Democrats in California are moving forward with their plans to raise the minimum smoking age to 21, after they approved a state bill Tuesday.

Cigarette butt


16 Comments on CA Democrats Vote to Raise Smoking Age to 21

  1. funny that you only have to be 18 to vote or 16 to drive or break out of the public indoctrination camps or 14 to have sex and have an abortion without parental consent or 6 before the gay gestapo wants to teach you about perverse sex acts and hand out condoms to you, but light up a butt or crack open a beer before your 21 and the state will rain hell down on you.

  2. But it’s okay if you wanna butt-slam your buddy while waiting for the bus? You smack him in the face with your dick five or six times? Oh, this isn’t offensive. You can smoke a baloney pony, but not a fuckin’ Marlboro?

  3. the state is running out of water and the state democrats focus is on reduction of public liberty.

    how many gallons of water is this recent action going to bring into the state

    politicians are always first in line to reign in liberty but never on hand for actually increasing the quality of life for the citizens.

    yes, raise the smoking age and watch all the illegal aliens pouring over the border reverse direction and go home!

  4. Actually @Bill, you’re wrong. The age for getting an abortion without parental consent is 12. Yes. 12 years old.

    I work in a medical office. When a parent wants to get their 13 year old child’s medical records, we have to tell them the child has to sign the form and has to give the parent permission to see the records. They are flabbergasted. That’s when I get to tell them the truth. I tell them that since girls can get an abortion without parental consent at 12, the age of consent for parental viewing of medical records was dropped to 12 for both boys and girls otherwise there would be cries of sexism.

    The parents get somewhat angry but go along with this state mandated bullshit without any further concern!  Personally, for as long as I am paying for a child’s healthcare, I get to see their medical records. All of them. Elect me president. I’ll make that a regulation from HHS. Watch libtard heads explode.

  5. @eternal

    As long as it makes you feel good and doesn’t offend a liberal, you can do whatever you want.

    Smack your buddy in the face with your dick? check.
    Chop off your dick and turn into a woman? check
    Smoke a doobie? check.
    Smoke a Cig? Nope, that would offend a liberal.
    Believe that homosex is wrong? Nope, that would offend a liberal
    Tote a concealed weapon? Nope, that would offend a liberal
    Abort your unborn fetus? Sure, that offends Christians which makes a liberal happy.

    See, once you put everything through a ‘what would make a liberal happy vs sad’ filter, the logic makes ‘sense’ then.

  6. Keep voting democrat, california folks! Yep, you’re too stupid for your own good, and they will show you the way….just keep voting dem and it will be okay!!!

    ps….I’ve made it official….San Andreas is my all time favorite movie….And I bet you can all guess why.

  7. Hell, raise it to 200 for all the good that’ll do. Look, a squirrel.

    Talk about irrelevant, Lord. The state is doing a big swirly and this is what their legislature is concerned about???

  8. What a stupid mistake they’re making here. They are cheating themselves out of millions of tax money. It’s for the chilldrun, no health benefits coming their way from the tax money. I hear the commercial everyday on the radio to fund Medicaid. Poor babies.

  9. @Death_By_Farts: Not everyone who lives in California vote Democrat. We are out numbered by the big city liberals. Most of us who live rural are conservative and vote conservative. We’re trying to separate ourselves from the liberal asswipes, it’s called The State of Jefferson. Look it up, and pray that we succeed. GF

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