CA Dems create another bill to change recall rules and help Sen. Josh Newman – IOTW Report

CA Dems create another bill to change recall rules and help Sen. Josh Newman


[…] SB 117 would uphold SB 96 and add months to the recall timeline, pushing the election to happen during the June 2018 primary instead of this November. The Democrats hope that a June 2018 election would mean a higher democratic turnout to help Newman keep his seat.

The changes would also allow voters who signed the recall petition 30 days to take back their signatures. It’s a bunch of nonsense! The voters have a right to a recall, and the Democrats are abusing their power to get what they want.

It’s disgusting.


6 Comments on CA Dems create another bill to change recall rules and help Sen. Josh Newman

  1. I went to California once and fell in love with the scenic beauty and the climate. The people…well, not as much. Of course, I didn’t get to meet Bad Brad, Left Coast Dan, or any of the other fine Cali folks who post here, so maybe I should reserve judgment on that last opinion.

    Beautiful state you have there, guys. Hope the Libtards don’t ruin it for you.


  2. Vietvet, it’s too late–libtards have ruined California. From a +13% state income tax to sanctuary cities to state created droughts, to ridiculous gasoline taxes, prisoner release programs, anti-gun laws, and bad public schools. California is circling the drain. I lived there for 20 years, moved away for 14, then moved back. The change was incredible, and not for the better. I left, and won’t live there again.

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