CA: DMV Demands Uber Stop Self-Driving Cars in San Francisco – IOTW Report

CA: DMV Demands Uber Stop Self-Driving Cars in San Francisco

Breitbart: Ride-hailing company Uber picked a fight with the California Department of Motor Vehicles on December 14 by commercially launching self-driving cars in San Francisco without first seeking a state permit for qualified testing.

Uber Technologies, Inc. launched the nation’s first “autonomous” (self-driving) ride-hailing service pilot in Pittsburg, PA, in mid-August. But Wednesday morning, San Francisco social media was on fire after a dashboard video from a Luxor Cab captured an Uber self-driving Volvo running the light in front of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

The move by San Francisco-based Uber may be in retaliation for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s filing a formal complaint with the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on December 12 asking for elimination of the “prior and current rulemaking process” that treats taxis differently from “Transportation Network Companies” (TNCs), such as Uber and Lyft operators.


6 Comments on CA: DMV Demands Uber Stop Self-Driving Cars in San Francisco

  1. “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. the world will have a generation of idiots.” – Albert Einstein

    We are there, Albert. Thanks for the warning.

  2. Driving is a privilege. Walking is a privilege. Working is a privilege. Building a home is a privilege. Burial is a privilege. Paying someone to decorate the inside of your home is a privilege. Air travel is a privilege. Getting married is a privilege. Fixing your sidewalk is a privilege. Cutting down the tree in your yard is a privilege. Buying a gun is a privilege. I could go on.

    You have to get government permission or work within government dictates to do any of the above things. Our forefathers did not.

    I wish the federal and state government didn’t even know of my existence. They have no purpose in knowing I’m alive that is a benefit to me.

  3. Well if our robot overlords want to begin to Kill All Humans, I couldn’t think of a better setup to start practicing for takeover than a densely populated island full of helpless liberals and their surrounding enclaves.

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