CA: Gavin Newsom thinks he’s a king, above the Constitution – IOTW Report

CA: Gavin Newsom thinks he’s a king, above the Constitution

WA EX: California Democrats seem to think they’re entitled to decide for the entire country who is and is not allowed to run for president. The courts, however, are about to remind the Golden State’s political bullies that they aren’t any more significant to our constitutional system than their counterparts in Wyoming or Montana.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, was just slapped with two lawsuits over a law he signed last week requiring candidates to release their tax returns in order to qualify for the state’s primary ballot, a nakedly partisan stunt that was specifically designed to target President Trump.

The core legal issue is simple and straightforward: The U.S. Constitution establishes the qualifications for someone to serve as president, and states don’t have the authority to supersede the Constitution by imposing their own requirements.

If California’s new ballot access law were to be deemed legal (which it certainly won’t be) then it would logically follow that every other state would be equally entitled to pass similar measures restricting ballot access according to pretty much any criteria. This was exactly former California Gov. Jerry Brown’s concern when he vetoed a similar bill last year.

For that matter, the powers that California Democrats are trying to exercise could just as easily have been used by Republican-controlled states ahead of the 2012 elections to mandate that candidates must produce school records or in 2016 to require disclosure of health records. read more

12 Comments on CA: Gavin Newsom thinks he’s a king, above the Constitution

  1. @LadyGun12 – Many pols of many political factions treat the Constitution with contempt, ignoring its limitations on their power until they can use some isolated bit of it to smugly and self-righteously whack their opponents with it.

    The left is worse than the right on this, but there’s plenty of blame to go all around. Just look (if you can look without throwing up) at the USA PATRIOT Act.

  2. Gee Wally, maybe the Fed should just shut off the big spigot and let’s see how well the “King” can float that boat! His arrogance, as well as California’s, needs to be cut down a few pegs. If he wants to bulldoze the Constitution, violate Federal election laws and continue to let Illegal Aliens flood the state, let him do it on his own damn dime! I don’t want my hard-earned tax dollars paying for this travesty!!

  3. I think the US Attorney General should put out an arrest warrant for Gov no sense for violation of federal election law and sedition and anything else they can pin on that commie Co*^%$ker!

  4. There’s just so many of them!

    Maybe thirty thousand bullets on hand in .358 won’t be enough. There is a limit to the amount of weight that shelving can support.
    So many questions…

  5. Recently during “freedom week” when it was legal in CA to buy a “high-capacity” magazine, a young man purchased several. Perfectly legal due to the court order. Last week the man went to the shooting range, and used those magazines. An enthusiastic LEO was also at the range, and issued the man a citation, and confiscated the magazines, even though the man had all the documentation. Before the case came to trial, the DA dropped the charges. When he asked for his property back, he was sent to the sheriff’s evidence division, where he was told they could not give him back his property because it was (now) illegal to “transfer” high capacity magazines. A blatant violation of the 4th amendment. The cost of hiring an attorney would exceed the cost of the mags, so he gave up.

    This is just one example of how the state violates the constitution, and screws it’s citizens.

  6. Some are lucky enough to have access to private ranges. And the LEO’s that might be found on them occasionally know better than to play that shit here if they want to continue to use the range.

    I thought IL was bad and they are passing multiple laws to try and catch up to CA. My condolences to the Cali residents…


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