CA GOP Rep. Duncan D. Hunter and his wife Indicted on Campaign Finance Violations – IOTW Report

CA GOP Rep. Duncan D. Hunter and his wife Indicted on Campaign Finance Violations

h/t Bad_Brad.

Breaking 911: SAN DIEGO – GOP Rep. Duncan D. Hunter and his wife, Margaret E. Hunter, were indicted by a federal grand jury today on charges that they converted more than $250,000 in campaign funds to pay for personal expenses and filed false campaign finance records with the Federal Election Commission.

A 48-page indictment details scores of instances beginning in 2009 and continuing through 2016 in which the Hunters illegally used campaign money to pay for personal expenses that they could not otherwise afford. The purchases included family vacations to Italy, Hawaii, Phoenix, Arizona, and Boise, Idaho; school tuition; dental work; theater tickets; and domestic and international travel for almost a dozen relatives. The Hunters also spent tens of thousands of dollars on smaller purchases, including fast food, movie tickets, golf outings, video games, coffee, groceries, home utilities, and expensive meals.

To conceal their personal spending, the Hunters mischaracterized the purchases in FEC filings as “campaign travel,” “dinner with volunteers/contributors,” “toy drives,” “teacher/parent and supporter events,” “gift cards” for charitable donations, and “gift basket items,” among other false descriptions. Family dental bills paid with campaign funds were characterized as a charitable contribution to “Smiles for Life.” Theater tickets were mischaracterized as “holiday gift certificates.” Tickets for the family to see Riverdance at the San Diego Civic Theater became “San Diego Civic Center for Republican Women Federated/Fundraising.” And to disguise their children’s tuition payments to Christian Unified Schools in El Cajon, the Hunters provided a number of conflicting explanations, including that the payments were charitable contributions.  MORE HERE

SNIP: I’ve been reading rumors about this for the past 3 years or so.  At least the part about the dental work and sending a bunch of relatives on vacation with them. The campaign treasurer kept asking Hunter questions about the expenses, yet,  he still kept spending. How dumb is this guy?

31 Comments on CA GOP Rep. Duncan D. Hunter and his wife Indicted on Campaign Finance Violations

  1. “…on charges that they converted more than $250,000 in campaign funds…”

    The word is STOLE not ‘converted’! It’s also GRAND THEFT!

    It’s bullshit like this that downplays the severity of these swamp creatures.

  2. Why is it so damn hard to find an honest politician? How about an honest person? I know a few, they are not that hard to find. What a bunch of crap. Pretty damn discouraging.

  3. I live in Northern California and my spidey sense has been going off on this guy the first time I heard him open his mouth.
    Having said that, I think it’s open season on Republicans and if the swamp can find a hint if problems the Republicans getting charged and prosecuted. So I’ll give this one some time.

  4. Difference between a normal person ( people like you and I ) and a liberal is I am happy the guy got caught. I’m glad he couldn’t hide it, regardless of party affiliation. I want all of them held accountable.

    On the flip side, liberals will commit felonies up to and including murder ( ahem Hillary ahem ) to hide the truth about one of their own committing crimes.

  5. Don’t get too smug there, kitty. Check the news, garfield, dems are bleeding blacks and women voters. Check Twitter and youtube for the walk aways.

    Difference between us and you guys is we like to launch our “republicans” into space when they fuck up, never to be heard from again.
    You dems on the other hand like to run rapists, criminals and the half-dead for office. LOL.

  6. Hate to rain on your parade, Garfield. What MJA said.

    And….you might like to tune in to POTUS Trump’s rally in Charleston, WV tonight. Another over-full attendance — thousands and more than thousands who can’t wait to throw the RINO’s, NeverTrumpers and more D’s OUT! Merry MAGA to you!

  7. Loco, I know, right? The balls on that guy!

    The fact that we are here complaining about an asshole republican being an asshole is confusing to a democrat, since they’ve never shunned one of their own assholes before. So gross.

  8. @joe6pak August 21, 2018 at 10:20 pm

    > Why is it so damn hard to find an honest politician? How about an honest person?

    An honest person? Who will swear an honest oath? To go along with whatever The Party “votes” for?

    > I know a few, they are not that hard to find.


  9. MJA
    I believe that’s Checkmate. Any clever, smart ass answer I give will land me is some seriously deep shit. And believe me I’m biting my tongue. But I’ve touched that hot stove TOO many times. LOL.

  10. If he is guilty, lock him up for the max time allowable, after kicking him out of the House. I say that as a Constitutional conservative .

    Actually I could care less, on a personal level, about crimes Democrats and most establishment Republicans commit, they never violated any trust w/me. I never placed any trust in them in the first place. Of course everyone should face the same penalties and the law should be applied equitably irrespective of political philosophy of Party affiliation, but that is just a pipe dream.


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