CA: Gov. Moonbeam Takes Trump’s Advice, Backs Push To Thin Forests – IOTW Report

CA: Gov. Moonbeam Takes Trump’s Advice, Backs Push To Thin Forests

DC: California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown is working with state lawmakers on a proposal that would increase thinning of forests and decrease the likelihood of more devastating wildfires tearing through the state.

Brown’s proposal would let landowners clear out trees up to 36 inches in diameter — up from 26 inches currently — in an area as large as 300 acres without a permit. It would also allow landowners to construct a road no longer than 600 feet without a permit, provided the damaged area later be restored and replanted, The Mercury News reports.

The state’s logging industry is backing the proposal while environmentalists say the law is too lax and could result in the harvesting of oldgrowth redwoods without enough oversight.

“We acknowledge there is a problem,” Defenders of Wildlife’s California program director Kim Delfino told The Mercury News. “The idea of trying to get a handle on it is a good thing. But this is an over reach. You don’t need to be putting such large trees on the chopping block.”

California’s environmental laws were forced into the national spotlight in early August when President Donald Trump blamed “bad environmental laws” for the severity of the wildfires that were coursing through the state.  read more

11 Comments on CA: Gov. Moonbeam Takes Trump’s Advice, Backs Push To Thin Forests

  1. the last Conservative (always a conservative. As ooposedto Arnie wo was very conservative for 1 YEAR ; and then became a Bush liberal for the rest of his term) Gove Gave Brownthi moniker. Name him!

    Hint He beat a Brown Clan member by 40$!~

    Cal is/ and has been conservative.
    the Cal GOP went progressive 20 years ago!

  2. Yeah. An illegal alien started the fire in Colorado, but that fell off the news pretty damn fast. Don’t fuck with illegal aliens, undocumented scumbags, or any “minorities,” if they want to fuck up the country. They done knee no stinkin permission.
    OK I’m a racist, homophobe, deplorable. Gimmeafookenbreak!

  3. Good Idea but no way.
    I as a Lanscape consultant can tell you that bullshit will happen if passed.
    People in general have no business messing with possibly Historic Trees.
    I can’t even tell you how many Low I.Q individuals I run into that want a Specific Tree removed, when the Tree isn’t even their Tree in the first place. Neighbors will shoot each other, and the one’s that live will be in Jail. You need knowledge and Mediation, or the Animals will fight.


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