CA Gov. Newsom solicited millions in donations to his wife’s charity – IOTW Report

CA Gov. Newsom solicited millions in donations to his wife’s charity

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom has used his office to solicit millions of dollars in behested payments for his wife’s charity and various left-wing organizations over the past 12 years, according to a California government website designed to track political donations.

California’s behested payments system allows public officials and lawmakers to solicit payments from individuals or organizations to another individual or organization “for a legislative, governmental or charitable purpose,” according to California’s Fair Political Practices Commission. In total, since 2011 Newsom solicited more than $300 million in donations for various causes while governor and lieutenant governor, including his wife’s California Partners Project, the left-leaning Tides Foundation, consulting fees to the former mayor of Los Angeles, and climate activist organization the Aileen Getty Foundation.

“California law permits what amounts to explicitly a shakedown of donors and corporations, for money for their own pet projects,” Scott Walker, president of the investigative think tank Capital Research Center, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. more here

7 Comments on CA Gov. Newsom solicited millions in donations to his wife’s charity

  1. Shake-downs, extortion, bribery, graft, corruption – the pillars of the demonrats’ edifice.
    And I’m pretty sure that CA isn’t the only state doing this type of shit.

    Why we continue to tolerate this banana-republic bullshit is a mystery.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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