CA Ignores The Constitution. Because They’re California. – IOTW Report

CA Ignores The Constitution. Because They’re California.

“The legislature … ignores whether or not it is constitutional or not.
We go ahead and make laws because we’re California. We do it anyway.” – Assembly member Reggie Jones-Sawyer.

h/t FPC

12 Comments on CA Ignores The Constitution. Because They’re California.

  1. Trump needs to become more ballsy and start arresting elected officials who decide which Federal laws to enforce and which to ignore. Best thing that could ever happen to Chigongo is for Rahm to wind up in a Federal slammer. Then zero in on the target rich environment of Kalifornia. Sheriff Joe is standing in the unemployment line, maybe Trump should give him a call.

  2. ….and patriotic Californian’s, (read ARMED Californian’s), ‘ignore’ the fascist state of California.

    ……in the mean time we plan our escape to free states like Idaho, Texas, Wyoming, and Arizona.

  3. Californians have been conditioned for many years to forego property rights. In urban areas, virtually every housing development is subject to a homeowner’s association which can, and frequently does impose draconian rules concerning the use of your property, and if you purchase a condominium, you basically purchased air. The same is true of vehicles; any car you buy must pass California emission standards or it cannot be used on California highways. There are many other products which are either not available in California or are “California compliant.”

    Property rights are the bedrock of a free society – if you have limited or no property rights, you really have no freedom. California liberals have conditioned state residents that property rights are not necessarily set in stone, so when the gun grabbers go for legal weapons, many Californians are conditioned to go along with this.

  4. most populous state in the union

    many many are unrepresented by a corrupted and fraudulent government

    plus, being driven into the ditch by large cities with heathens, perverts, and open border socialists

    i truly believe that ca has reached the point of no return, it’s only a matter of time

  5. Newsflash. It isn’t California anymore. It’s newest “everyplace else that doesn’t know about hygiene, and morality”. They are right however, as far as I’m concerned, the Constitution doesn’t apply to them.

    And I didn’t see nuttin.

  6. Isn’t there someone in authority in that legislature who should be correcting the record on such a ludicrous statement and taking the appropriate action against Mr. Jones-Sawyer?

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