CA: Jerry Brown pardons immigrants facing deportation – IOTW Report

CA: Jerry Brown pardons immigrants facing deportation


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday announced pardons or sentence reductions for some 150 convicted criminals, including two Cambodian refugees facing deportation and a woman who has spent 33 years in prison despite a bungled plea deal that could have freed her decades ago.

The pardons of Rottanak Kong of Davis and Mony Neth of Modesto could be seen as another poke at the Trump administration’s hard-line policies on immigration.

Both men came to the United States as children when their families fled the Khmer Rouge government that killed millions of its own people. They were recently detained as part of a federal immigration roundup, although a California-based federal judge has temporarily halted the deportation of hundreds of Cambodian refugees.

Kong was sentenced to a year in Stanislaus County jail in 2003 for joyriding. He served seven months. Neth was convicted in 1995, also in Stanislaus County, on weapons and receiving stolen property charges. He also served his sentence.

Brown’s pardons said both men had become law-abiding citizens and paid their debts to society.

Neth, 42, was pardoned on Dec. 6 and unexpectedly released from a detention facility on Friday.  more


8 Comments on CA: Jerry Brown pardons immigrants facing deportation

  1. Brown is a criminal himself. He is trying to set up agreements with foreign governments in violation of the Logan Act.
    He had better save a pardon for himself. I look forward to the day when he leaves office. Regrettably to be replaced by another Leftist turd.

    Question…why is it that Democrats think that the law does not apply to them?

  2. As long as their kept in Cali. The people there voted him in so they can also vote him out.

    It’s too bad California doesn’t have its own version of the electoral college. Each county has an elector and if you want to be governor, you have to win enough counties, not just the popular vote. With LA and San Fran being liberal playpens there’s no way a real conservative can win.

  3. Cut off all federal funding to the state of California.
    As a hard-working, over taxed-paying citizen I should not have my arm twisted by the government to have my hard-earned tax dollars support this shit! I don’t endorse the unlawful actions of California. I damn sure shouldn’t have to pay for it!!
    Turn off the federal spigot to the until they wake up and smell the coffee!

  4. If a pardon “does not erase a conviction”, then how does a pardon (by a governor) allow them to avoid deportation by the federal government? I have a LEGAL immigrant in the family. If he commits ANY offense, no matter how minor, he is subject to deportation.

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