CA legislature’s scary precedent: Giving unions private workers’ cell numbers, home addresses – IOTW Report

CA legislature’s scary precedent: Giving unions private workers’ cell numbers, home addresses

CPR: Even those Capitol observers who are aware of the degree to which the Democratic-controlled Legislature is in the tank for public-sector unions might be shocked by the latest bill that’s making its way to the governor’s office.


Legislators are about to require that private-sector workers in the home-care industry provide a wide range of personal information – home address, email contact, cellphone number – to any labor organization that wants it. Those unions would then be free, at their discretion, to pester these workers into joining the union.

The bill only affects one industry, but the precedent is clear. How long before an ever-expanding list of private workers in California are subject to union organizers showing up at their doorstep and contacting them on their private emails and cell phones? The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has already been able to unionize home healthcare workers receiving government payments to care for a loved one. Clearly, SEIU is expanding its horizons.  MORE

7 Comments on CA legislature’s scary precedent: Giving unions private workers’ cell numbers, home addresses

  1. Maybe it’s time to investigate at the Federal level the finances of the SEIU to ensure that they are obeying the letter of the law. Oh, it would probably be a good idea to release (or leak) the names, compensation packages, addresses and contact numbers and methods of all the senior SEIU members (from senior shop steward) on up in an easily accessible format and translated inot spanish as well.


    The government gives unions data, they collect the dues, and donate a portion right back to the democrat party.

    Guess what? Legislation later will be shifted to the benefit of the unions (for their help of course), and they will take a portion of that gov’t subsidy and hand it right back to the democrat party.

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