CA: Man dies of botulism from gas station nacho cheese – IOTW Report

CA: Man dies of botulism from gas station nacho cheese

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — One of at least 10 people apparently sickened by nacho-cheese dip sold at a Northern California gas station has died, health officials said Monday.

The officials confirmed the death but gave no other details, including when the person died.

California health officials say the illnesses appear caused by botulism carried in nacho-cheese dip sold at a gas station in the Sacramento suburb of Walnut Grove.

In a statement, the California Department of Public Health said the container and cheese dip were removed May 5, and that authorities believe the contamination poses no further risk to the public.

Botulism, a kind of food poisoning, can lead to paralysis, breathing difficulty and sometimes death.

Authorities said Friday all 10 people sickened were hospitalized. Spokesmen with the state health agency said they had no immediate updates on the conditions of the nine surviving victims.

18 Comments on CA: Man dies of botulism from gas station nacho cheese

  1. Gas station nacho cheese. I’d have to be a hungry son of a gun to eat that. That’s like gas station deep fried clams. Somebody here said they liked those, I can’t remember who.

  2. Very sad. I, for one, never eat food from gas/convenience stores. I just don’t trust the cleanliness of the employees or the food.
    Condolences to this man’s family.

  3. I am guilty. I have et that gooey
    chemical one molecule away from industrial
    soy bean sludge “cheez”.Let it run out on
    top of a Shell station hot dog with equally
    El Barfo bagged “chili” then quaff’d 4 Red Bulls.
    I am living proof that man should not
    live without a wife.

  4. I love gas station chili, cheese dogs, but I too am afraid of the spooge,,,Here’s recipe….Take a hotdog bun and line it with american cheese and microwave it till the cheese melts….boil the hotdog, heat a can of Hormel chili and you are there….slide your pants down til you have an ass crack, put on the ball cap and prepare to do some bass fishin’…

  5. Gas station not cho cheese, street tamales in Tijuana, food cart sushi, dog on a stick, never eat from someplace that never closes. How long do you think those hot dogs have been riding the tanning bed?
    Reasons why I learned to cook.

  6. I actually crave me some gas station food now and then. It’s usually on a long road trip during a fill up. I mostly go for a prepackaged sandwich and look for something specific to the area, like local cheese or smoked meats. However one time we rolled into Tower, MN at about 6am and I grabbed a couple slices of breakfast pizza off a carousel. The only breakfast pizza I’ve ever had and it was really good!

  7. We need tighter regulations concerning the sale and possession of gas station nacho cheese. No high capacity containers. Seven day waiting period. Deep background check before purchase is approved. If you take it in your car, you’ll need a concealed carry permit.

  8. Yeah, the FDA needs to be inspecting all the gas station nacho cheese thingies.
    Or charging a fee to sell nacho pretend cheese stuff.

    Gotta be a way for the gov’t to make some money off this …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Gas station Nacho Cheese? Fucking pussy. Try the Boiled Peanuts over here in my redneck of the woods.

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