CA Massive Methane Leak Highlights National Crisis, Environmentalists Say – IOTW Report

CA Massive Methane Leak Highlights National Crisis, Environmentalists Say

NBC Philadelphia: As the massive natural gas leak in Aliso Canyon continues to pump methane into the air above Los Angeles, environmental activists are warning about a much bigger and more widespread crisis that is not drawing nearly as much attention: leaks throughout the nation’s oil and gas supply chain.

A series of studies spearheaded by the Environmental Defense Fund beginning in 2012 found problems across the country at every point of the natural gas supply chain, from thousands of wellheads to miles of utility lines underneath city streets.  more

11 Comments on CA Massive Methane Leak Highlights National Crisis, Environmentalists Say

  1. One thing the enviros don’t talk about is how much methane is naturally released from underground methane pockets around the globe. This is in fact how old school surface geologists would locate gas fields to drill for natural gas development early in the 20th century.

    The geologists would look for area’s where the grass was growing better than surrounding area’s and knew that gas had to be seeping up and fertilizing the soil, thus making plants grow better.

  2. What I DON”T see is the EnviroNazis screaming at and suing the state of Kalifornication for the MASSIVE pollution being spewed by this methane leak, and why hasn’t Gov Moonbeam stopped it up yesterday? Instead they’re trying to distract with all the little natural leakages here, there, and everywhere. SQUIRREL!!

    I wonder if it’s because they’re both of the same Libtard DemonRatic party. . .. .One hand washes the other. . .. Scratch each other’s backs. . . . Don’t upset each other’s dogma. . . . Naaahhh. . . . Couldn’t be that. . . . .

  3. Just found out Monday on our normal conference call what our 2015 LAUF (Lost and Unaccounted For) gas totals were. This is the difference between what we clock in and what we clock out of our transmission lines.

    This is for the interstate pipelines (natural gas) that serve the south east US. Southern Natural Gas. We transport billions of cubic feet a day.

    If it hasn’t shown up as public record yet, it will soon. We are required by the feds to post our numbers.

    Leaks my ass.

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