CA Media Colluding With Dems: Hypocrisy On Sex Harassment Cases – IOTW Report

CA Media Colluding With Dems: Hypocrisy On Sex Harassment Cases

CFP: A recording surfaced in 2009 in which then-Assemblyman Mike Duvall (R-Yorba Linda) is heard bragging about extramarital escapades with two women on an open microphone in an Assembly Committee hearing.Duvall, married and a father, immediately resigned from his position.

Nowhere in the media was there an explanation about why the microphone was hot, because prior to Capitol committee hearings officially being started by the committee chairman, microphones are always off. Except in this rare case.

Back in 2009, current Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon was an Assemblyman, and a member of the committee in which Duvall was on. A person present at the hearing that day in 2009 recently told me that Kevin de Leon knew what Duvall was talking about and ordered the Sergeant to make the microphone live so everyone could listen in. And this person knows because he says de Leon bragged about what he did to several guys standing nearby, including some members of the Capitol media.

This is fascinating for many reasons. First, what Kevin de Leon did is a total dick move (pardon my French), for de Leon to do this to a colleague—even one from the other side of the aisle. Was this a stupid prank by de Leon or something more heinous? And why didn’t anyone of the media people present expose de Leon’s dick move?

Assemblyman Duvall resigned, even though the relationship he was in was consensual—stupid, unethical, and dubious, but consensual.However, a consensual sexual relationship like Duvall’s between Capitol colleagues, is a far cry from forced sexual hugs, groping, grabbing and rubbing, as Assemblywoman Linda Halderman endured at the hands (very busy hands)of former Assembly Speaker, now Senator Bob Hertzberg.

A friend recently asked, “When money is the mother’s milk of politics, should we really be surprised when the teat-grabbing goes on?” A bit crass, I know, but read on. 

4 Comments on CA Media Colluding With Dems: Hypocrisy On Sex Harassment Cases

  1. De Leon does rep Mexico so he hopefully goes back Below, but there is something going on. I hear snippets of news saying this Dem or that is Guilty of Sexual Abuse, but unlike the national scene they don’t seem to be leaving Office .

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