CA Paper that Backed Obamacare Warns of Failure – IOTW Report

CA Paper that Backed Obamacare Warns of Failure

Breitbart: A prominent California newspaper that backed Obamacare is now sounding the alarm about doctor shortages.


The Contra Costa Times, which backed the Affordable Care Act in 2010, saying it “prefer[red] the current legislation over nothing,” warned in a Christmas Day editorial: “The Affordable Care Act is seen as a huge success in California because it has cut the state’s uninsured rate in half. But it will become a farce if physicians continue refusing to accept the abysmally low rates the state pays to treat the quarter of Medi-Cal patients who are not in managed care plans.”

The editorial is a response to a recently-filed civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that alleges the Medi-Cal, the California version of Medicaid, is discriminating against Latinos. “Medi-Cal’s inadequate, extremely low reimbursement rates—in both the fee for service and managed care settings—and its failure to adequately monitor access to medical care, effectively deny the full benefits of the Medi-Cal program to the more than seven million Latino enrollees who rely on Medi-Cal for their healthcare,” the complaint alleges.

The doctor shortage was one of the consequences critics of Obamacare had predicted.  more here

12 Comments on CA Paper that Backed Obamacare Warns of Failure

  1. Hoisted on their own petard.

    If one segment of the society chooses to remain ignorant, have too many children, most out of wedlock, abuse drugs so they cannot work outside the manual labor and food service industries and avoid upward mobility, except as it exists on the Welfare system, that is hardly a civil rights issue. I’d say that is largely cultural.

  2. In spite of millions telling them this, they are just now finding out? We never had a healthcare problem but now we will thanks to you stupid idiots. Way to go! *golf clap*

  3. “But it will become a farce if physicians continue refusing to accept the abysmally low rates the state pays…”.

    But Obama said it would be FREEEEEEEE!!!
    Ya get whats ya pays for, a§$h*les.

  4. “But it will become a farce if physicians (dis)continue practicing…..”

    How many doctors do you all know that have:
    a. “left the practice”
    b. gone back to school
    c. relocated
    d. retired early
    e. _________ (fill in the blank)

  5. Far too many physicians have said enough already. Ezequiel and every other sob that propped this garbage onto center stage should be sent to prison. They proudly boasted how wonderful this crap was, but I have yet to hear that any of them went on this faux care. Why isn’t Barry partaking of his legacy?

  6. The passage of ObamaCare was Treason – pure and simple.

    And Gruber admitted to it and implicated Pelosi, Reid, and Obola as co-conspirators. And the SCROTUS conspired after the fact.

    There should be only one (1) penalty for Treason …

  7. Just signed up a new customer that’s quitting/selling his regular practice after 43 years.

    “Being a doctor has changed too much. Now I have to have a billing service to wade through all the boxes that have to be checked and then the pay is so low it isn’t worth it. It seems to take forever to get paid when you do.”

    He’s a psychiatrist and O’care is driving him crazy.

  8. Hey, I worked for 30 + years in hospitals as field engineer for a vendor of diagnostic imaging equipment. I know many doctors who either quit, cut back their hours, or moved to a smaller hospital or practice. Not so easy for the younger docs. Mostly over the bureaucratic hell and other issues associated with ZeroButExpensiveCare. Many felt they were practicing paper work instead of practicing medicine.

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