BPR: Republican critics in California, including one sheriff, are in an uproar over a proposed bill that they say would essentially make many acts of self-defense illegal.
Proposed by Assemblymember Rick Zbur, a Democrat, Assembly Bill 1333 (AB1333) would make it much more difficult for someone who killed another person in self-defense to go home free.
For example, someone who opened fire on an intruder outside their home would most likely be prosecuted for not having safely retreated back inside their home and shut/locked the door.
Similarly, someone who killed another individual while engaged in mutual combat or after provoking the diseased person would also most likely face prosecution.
Zbur was inspired to draft the bill by the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, the former teen who was acquitted of justifiably killing two left-wing extremists in self-defense during the deadly Black Lives Matter riots. more here
DemoRATS love them some criminals! How dare the peasants defend their own lives!
Assemblymember Rick Zbur who wrote California’s SB1333 said that Kyle Rittenhouse’s situation precipitated this bill. He said that Kyle provoked those who chased him and then he claimed to be the victim. Zbur didn’t go back far enough in the scenario. If Kyle had provoked his attackers, THEN, under this bill his attackers SHOULD HAVE retreated to safety rather than attacking Kyle. Kyle had the right of self-defense and acted on it.
What a moron! Doesn’t he understand that we know better than him???
any ****** assholes are welcome to threaten gbh/death in ‘merica. enjoy the results.
So, being California I will assume that democrats will be prosecuted for killing democrats. Please explain the problem.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
This bills DOA. 70% of the Sheriffs and DAs in Cali have already said they will not enforce it. This clowns a total idiot.
the ******-loyuh has to protect its dindu/shitholer constituents & relatives from the law-abiding types
diseased person! try deceased, get a fkng editor.