CA Senator wants to scale back sex offender registry – IOTW Report

CA Senator wants to scale back sex offender registry

KFI: Today Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) revived a proposal that would end lifetime listing of many sex offenders on a public registry in California.

Wiener took a bill he wrote that would have extended the hours of bars in the state, took out its old language, and added the proposal to alter the sex offender registry program.

The bill, SB 384, would require the names of people who committed lower-level nonviolent sex crimes, or people who are judged to be at low risk to reoffend to have their names taken off the registry after 10-20 years.

Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey supports the measure because of the concern that the registry has become too big, with more than 105,000 names on it. The argument is that criminal justice workers are spending too much time on paperwork for people who aren’t likely to commit new offenses.

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36 Comments on CA Senator wants to scale back sex offender registry

  1. What is it with these guys named Wiener? Did our ancestors recognize them for the perverts they are and aptly name with a moniker to be carried down over generations? As a warning to future generations?

  2. I agree with Groucho – if that is what the law does. Also ‘public’ urination that you thought was in the shadows, because there was no alternative. In other words stuff that a rational judge wouldn’t have put them on the registry for in the first place, had the judge been given the flexibility to do so.

  3. This CA legislator is right on the money. Too many people are being labeled as “sex offenders” when they are not a threat to anyone.

    Think about this: Paul Reubens (Peewee Herman) got busted for whacking off in a porno theater and had to register as a sex offender. I mean, isn’t that what porno theaters are all about? Does anyone feel threatened by Peewee Herman?

    Get real, folks. Apply some common sense before branding someone with this label and ruining their life.

  4. This is right in line with the incremental approach
    California has taken with felons voting:
    1) change law to allow non-violent felons to vote after release.
    2) change law defining WHAT QUALIFIES as “non-violent” to include stuff like drive-by shooting, rape, arson….

  5. “This CA legislator is right on the money. Too many people are being labeled as “sex offenders” when they are not a threat to anyone.”

    Very true. But I don’t think that’s this guys motive. He’s more concerned about dancing naked down market street with his name sake hanging out in front of unsuspecting children and not being branded the sexual deviant he is.

  6. Several article in a row about the occupied shit hole some of us live in. Conservatives in California knew we lost this state for good when the 9th told voters to F off and reversed Prop 8. Our state Government can get away with anything they want. The Libtards have a super majority. You can bet your ass the corruption and misappropriation of funds would boggle the mind if the truth ever comes out. And that piece of shit Kevin De Leon thinks he works for Mexico. And maybe he does.

  7. @Bad_Brad (at 1:26 pm) : But you really don’t know this guy’s motive, do you? It may be as simple as he says – to reduce paperwork for people who don’t deserve to be on the list to start with, like public urinators and porno movie masturbators. Stick with the REAL sex offenders and maybe the list will be taken seriously.

    You know, not all Democrats are the Devil incarnate. Although you’d never know it from reading THIS blog.


  8. If you think this is about pissing in public, mooning someone, etc, you better wake up and smell the leftards. It’s about decriminalizing the deliberate spread of hiv. PERIOD.

  9. “You know, not all Democrats are the Devil incarnate. Although you’d never know it from reading THIS blog.”

    You need to spend some time in California. You’d change your mind. 10 years ago I would of agreed with your statement. Democrat leadership has pushed the party so left they are beyond Marxist. And people who identify as, and vote for Democrats have followed. Liberalism is a disease and needs to be eradicated.

    Wieners a Liberal, Flaming, and lives in Gomorrah. So while I’m not certain of his motives my educated guess will prove to be right on the money.

  10. Vietvet

    By the way, you are 100% correct about the “List”. It’s worse than the No Fly list. It doesn’t take much to be classified as a sexual predator. Baby sitting is now a high risk job.

  11. There very well might be some who should not be on such a registry. Sexual offenders should be registered.
    What most alarms me is the total and blatant disregard for how legislation is passed. They’re going to ignore proper procedures, and are able to do so because they have a big, shiny neon squirrel pulling the trash wagon. And it will become a precedent.
    CA might as well succeed- they aren’t a form of government that I recognize. Free bananas for everyone.

    Bill submitted regarding sex offender registry
    Bill shot down by appropriations committee.
    Another, unrelated 2nd bill moving through committee
    Bill passes through appropriations.
    Gut language of 2nd bill
    Replace with language of 1st, rejected bill.
    No Appropriations review.
    “No problem- lets vote”

  12. The American Left is now all about only one thing: shoving something up everyone else’s butthole. Endless regulation…up your butt. Increasingly higher taxes…up your butt. If your kids are in public schools, penises up their butts is the way to the future.

    Leftism is all about forced anal.

    “let’s not give a lifetime punishment to people who X, Y, Z…”

    You first need a MORAL CULTURE/SOCIETY for that to work.
    TOO LATE for that, in the case of California.
    Otherwise, it’s solely lubricant for degeneration.
    (please refer to my “slippery slope” post above)

  14. @Bad_Brad (at 2:00 pm): You know, I did spend some time in California. In 1987 I flew into LA and took in the sights – Universal Studios Hollywood, Disneyland, even the Watts Towers (people were like “you went WHERE?”), went down to Long Beach, saw the Queen Mary and the Spruce Goose. Afterward, drove up the coast highway to San Francisco and stayed with a friend who lived there. Visited Alcatraz (couldn’t believe how SMALL the cell area was, compared to the movie representations), drove up a ways north from the Golden Gate Bridge and saw the old forts there. Even went to Bodega Bay, only to find out that Hitchcock didn’t really shoot The Birds there. Bummer.

    Long story short, I fell in love with the place. The climate, the scenery, and yes, even the people I met were wonderful (even the gay ones were nice). When I landed back in Texas, stepped off the plane, and that 90-degree plus heat hit me, I just wanted to turn around and go back to California. But I had a job, family commitments, and probably couldn’t have afforded to live there anyhow.

    So – here I am today, California dreamin’. But that was thirty years ago, and I guess a lot has changed since then.

    Sill wish I could have lived there.

  15. Vietvet

    It’s sinful we’ve let our so called elected official drive this state into the ground. I say “So Called” because for a couple years now I don’t think they even count the votes. It’s a formality no longer necessary in California. If you ever get out this way again go to Redding and sight see north from there.

  16. Vietvet

    More like the wanted to change the world, but didn’t know what to do. So they taxed the rich, fed the poor, now there are no rich no more. Except for the politicians of course.

  17. Everything Bad-Brad says is true. Southern Californian, born and raised.
    Now it is just a 3rd world s—hole.
    I stay, because when it eventually breaks, someone has to be here to put the pieces back together.


    There is no reason any member of the public should know someone else’s offense anyway. They are for COURT PURPOSES.

    If you apply for a job, the COMPANY should put in a request to see if the person with a D.U.I. or some other offense can work. It’s ILLEGAL to discriminate against criminal record if it is not related to the job.

    Can you bag groceries if you had a D.U.I.? NOPE! Even though you aren’t driving, they won’t hire you anyway. That’s why a request should be put in, and if THEFT comes back, then the bagger would be disqualified, but D.U.I. charge would not be revealed.

    So an offense stays public for 10-20 years, basically that person is virtually ineligible for hire for 10-20 years—the most productive employment years. Maybe when they turn 50 they can get a job. NOPE! Now they are too old.


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