CA: State Scientists Say Gov. Newsom Isn’t Using Science in Lockdown Decisions – IOTW Report

CA: State Scientists Say Gov. Newsom Isn’t Using Science in Lockdown Decisions

California Global-

The State of California employs more than 4,000 scientists in various agencies: Department of Public Health, CalEPA, Dept. of Natural Resources, and many more. However, the Globe interviewed some of these scientists after learning that Governor Gavin Newsom has not consulted with them throughout the nine-month duration of the coronavirus lockdown.

“What we do in the state is protect public health,” one scientist said. “We keep food, water, and buildings safe. And as scientists, we don’t often speak up.”

The scientists agreed to talk with the Globe anonymously out of fear of retaliation from Governor Newsom or his staff.

“We are toxicologists, epidemiologists, and trained problem solvers. But we haven’t been engaged.” MORE

18 Comments on CA: State Scientists Say Gov. Newsom Isn’t Using Science in Lockdown Decisions

  1. “State Scientists Say Gov. Newsom Isn’t Using Science in Lockdown Decisions”

    That’s not hard to figure….It’s well known he’s a liberal-minded, power-hungry piece-of-shit that simply loves to throw his weight around.

  2. Actually, he is using science. The science of mind control developed over the years by people with nefarious ideas and agendas. Lucky for him and his cohorts there appears to be a lot of dumb SOB’s handy in this country to ply their trade.

  3. “Actually, he is using science. The science of mind control …. ”

    Ya’ got that right.

    And almost no one recognizes it or how it is being done to them, which means most people just go along with it while thinking they are really thinking for themselves and their ideas are their own instead of ones being planted in them from outside.

  4. Maybe wishful thinking, but I’m thinking California is going to be a war zone this year. Violent? I dunno. But from watching the protests and lawsuits there, I think a long fuse just got lit.

  5. I own a small bar & grill south of San Diego. The latest ‘order’ to only do takeout in early December was the last straw for me. I said fuck it and I’ve been open for indoor dining and drinking. I’ve been visited by ABC twice and the Health Dept gave me a cease & desist and on the follow up they referred me to the DA for prosecution. I told them I’m not closing. There may be fines or license revocations coming but at this point I don’t give a shit. Fuck it. If I’m going down, I’m going down in a blaze of glory.

  6. @Mojo56 — Good on ya, my friend!

    And may the offending bureaucrats all be fired and then have to
    — stand in long lines
    — after filling out the wrong forms
    — to turn in at the wrong window
    — in the wrong building
    — and then find their cars have been towed

  7. I’m the only one in town open. I heard a few others are going to open soon. It has actually been incredibly busy. Customers have been hugely supportive other than 1 idiot that came in the 1st night I was open saying that we were all going to die. The way I see it is we’re all adults and can make our own decisions. We know the risks (minimal for most people). If you want to stay home, stay home.

  8. I got a Newsom recall petition in the mail yesterday. Filled it out with 2 signatures on it and mailed it back in today – no postage required. 🙂 We’re getting closer to a recall of Newsome, 1,000,000 votes!

    I hope Trump starts a new party as I’m ready to go Independent. I’m done with the Republicans, they are dead to me.


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