CA: Teacher Praises Western Civilization, Her School Fires Her – IOTW Report

CA: Teacher Praises Western Civilization, Her School Fires Her

Epoch Times: California math teacher Karen Siegemund says she was fired for making a speech outside the classroom in defense of Western civilization.

Siegemund, president of the Los Angeles-based American Freedom Alliance and a teacher with 20 years experience who holds a doctorate in education and American culture, spoke in May at her group’s “Long March Through the Institutions” conference, which “explored the Left’s ongoing multi-decade takeover attempt of numerous public and private institutions to effect a radical transformation of America.”

The phrase, “The long march through the institutions,” refers to revolutionary change effected by incrementalism and was coined by German 1960s student radical leader Rudi Dutschke, though it is widely misattributed to Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci, according to Marxist academic Joseph A. Buttigieg, the late father of Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.

During the offending oration, Siegemund said “each of us here believes in the unparalleled force for good that is Western Civilization, that is our heritage, whether we were born here or not.”

Soon after the address she was told her teaching contract at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, a private K-12 school, would not be renewed, The College Fix reports.

“It’s kind of shocking, isn’t it,” Siegemund told TV host and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee in a recent interview. more here

11 Comments on CA: Teacher Praises Western Civilization, Her School Fires Her

  1. Time to secede. They are seceding from you every chance they get by harassing, kicking you off social media, booting you out of restaurants and coffee shops, not providing bank services, expelling you from universities, beating you in the streets, getting you fired from jobs, harassing you through audits and the IRS.

    What are you waiting for? How much more of a beating do you have to take to figure it out?

    Physically secede and whatever negatives result from that, it’s better than living side by side with domestic terrorists.

  2. What she said:
    ‘“Because there are other teachers who denigrate the president in the classroom, who wear ‘resist’ tee-shirts, who promote all kinds of various leftist policies in the classroom—that’s apparently fine—because their contracts have been renewed.

    “I even hesitated to wear anything with an American flag, not hesitated—I did not wear anything with an American flag on it—for fear of that being sort of too subversively patriotic. … But I have promoted freedoms and independent thought.”’

    Very stirring music in an enjoyable film that honors an incredible, patriotic American man. I hadn’t seen it before myself. Pass it on.

    Stars and Stripes Forever (1952)

    A film biography of the composer John Philip Sousa, from his early days in the Marine Corps Band through the Spanish-American War in 1898.

    Special salute to the Confederacy by the band starts at 57:59. A salute to the US Marines at the end.

  3. She can sue and she can win, but as we’ve seen before it won’t change a thing. As with Duke, Oberlin and others, they get sued for big money and no one gets fired and nothing really changes. They just chalk it up to the cost of pushing their agenda… and fighting their war. Yes indeed, it is a war. A war fought with Politically Correct ginned-up “Vicitmhood”, “Racism” and “White Supremacy” as ammunition. A war being waged by a relentless, well organized, well financed Left determined to destroy everything the United States stands for. Destroy the United States and you destroy the West. It’s becoming very obvious that it is going to take a lot more than just law suits to win this.

  4. Her only hope is that the parents get involved and confront the nazi scum controlling the school.
    They get away with this bullying because nobody stands up to them.

  5. Hey look, Cletus made bail.

    “Something tells me @richtaylor would approve of the woman being fired.”

    Something tells me that you are THE dumbest person on the planet. You are such a pussy, invoking my name on posts that I don’t even comment on, and in the dead of night. Of course, you have nothing substantive to offer, ever, nothing that would require even a semblance of critical thinking skills, because you have none. You are like a little poodle, yapping and nipping because that’s all you got.

    Why don’t you ever comment on any of my comments I make, are you not a man, have you no honor? You clearly don’t want a dialogue, not capable, do you really think sniping at me from afar benefits this blog?

    I know, all questions beyond your mental capacity. Go back to cleaning your opposum skins, maybe your mom will change the password.


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