CA: Work begins on raising the height of Shasta Dam – IOTW Report

CA: Work begins on raising the height of Shasta Dam

CPR: Thanks to President Trump and the Republican Congress, California will get an expansion of the Shasta Dam. It should be noted that the Democrats, led by Governor Brown OPPOSED this—they prefer government created water shortages. Even though California voted against Trump by a wide margin, he is not throwing us to the dogs—he is doing what he can to protect us—unlike Brown and his buddies.

“Earlier this year Congress set aside about $20 million for pre-construction work and design on the dam raise.

Raising the height of the dam 18½ feet will allow the bureau to store an additional 630,000 acre-feet of water in Shasta Lake. The dam currently holds about 4.5 million acre-feet, so the raise would add 14 percent to the lake’s capacity.

An acre-foot is about 326,000 gallons, enough water for a family of four for a year.

In addition to raising the height of the dam, the project also includes raising the height of the approaches to the dam. The roundabout on the east side of the dam will need to be removed and replaced with a new approach, he said. read more

10 Comments on CA: Work begins on raising the height of Shasta Dam

  1. I know Shasta well. One of the Reservoirs that are huge for Bass Tournaments. Plus we’ve done about 12 houseboat vacations there. Shasta drains such a large expanse of acreage (all the way up into Oregon) it can go from about half pool to full pool in about two weeks. So once again PDT is right and the fucking old retard Jerry Brown has his head up his ass. Again. Still. Yet. It’s stuck.

  2. jarjar brown and company will have to first drain the lake so that 18 feet can be removed from the bottom of the lake so the dam can hold more water. that’s the plan i hear. and it’s a good one!

  3. PS
    As an old retired tournament Bass angler I can tell you that the releases of reservoirs in California are still controlled by a study done by the Army Corp of Engineers performed in 1958. That shits true. Google it.

  4. Create a crisis

    Let people suffer

    Add a solution that benefits you and your buddies

    Raise taxes to pay for it and pay off your buddies who will give kick-backs to your re-election fund.

    That’s how democrats play this game.

  5. California should also support a border wall and immigration moratorium. The water will go a lot further if we stop importing more water demand. Cals problem is less water shortage, more ppl (immigration) longage.

  6. Voting for people like Jerry Brown is the equivalent of publicly admitting you’re a dimwitted idiot.
    It’s depressing to look around and realize just how many out there are.


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