Cable News Crazies Completely Unhinged – IOTW Report

Cable News Crazies Completely Unhinged

15 Comments on Cable News Crazies Completely Unhinged

  1. It’s working, though. The Race Card is still the trump card in the Dem deck. Too many self-hating, weak-willed, guilt-ridden white people vote with the monolithic black democrat racial bloc. Once the illegals figure out how to vote aggressively and as a unit, the only conflict will be the division of spoils between the black and Latino Democrat Socialists.

    If you are white or Asian and living in a state with +30% black population, you cannot afford to vote for the black democrat. You are running out of places to move when you see the error of your ways.

  2. I’ve mention before how my father is a dyed in the wool retired Democrat who sits at home all day marinading in the hate bath of CNN, MSNBC and the affable Eva Brauns of the CBS morning show.

    So I had to visit yesterday, the first since the Blue Wave. Despite Brian Stelter’s contentions, my father was crestfallen at the surfing conditions that day.

    So I got to be the object of that disappointment ginned up by the 24 Months Hate from MiniTrue.

    The white nationalists are threatening people in the streets. Black clad Antifa fascists don’t exist. The migrant cravan never existed either. Republicans are pining for Civil War and have sworn an oath to destroy social security and Medicare. We stole the country from the Indians and now we are stealing social security and boy we sure wish we had Al Gore’s lockbox from this pack of profligate spenders.

    Oh, yes. Before I forget, I am also heavily involved in the central planning of these activities because I am somehow a white supremacist too.

    It’s around this point that I regret to inform him that I do not have to listen to this shit and, in my armchair psychiatric opinion, that he is a fucking nut as I walk out the door.

    So Thanksgiving is cancelled next week with an option for Christmas.

    So Fuck CNN and the networks for brainwashing my old man with your condoning of leftwing fascism and hate speech. There are very real world consequences to the whirlwind you are sowing.

    Let it be visited on your heads ten fold.

  3. @Cliche Guevara

    I’m so sorry you lost your father to the madness of the left. It’s worse than losing him to dementia, in which there are some lucid moments that bubble to the surface.

    At least you tried. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. I’m waiting for someone to ask Jeffrey (the Red) Toobin if he’s knocked up any of his friend’s daughters lately. What a turd. And most of the others shown are complete dimwits.

  5. With rightly due sympathies to Cliche G, at least we can be grateful that we can celebrate Thanksgiving with whomever we please. As the old saying goes, “We can’t pick our family but we CAN pick our friends”. I had a sister much like your father, Cliché and several friends – now former – too.
    Happy Thanksgiving to us all.

  6. Well, thanks ya’ll. Not trying to drum up sympathy.

    But what the media is doing is infuriating in its irresponsibility.

    These are the same people telling soybois in their jammies and sipping hot cocoa to lecture their family about Obamacare at the holiday table.

    Every moment in your life shouldn’t be about politics. Be it at Thankgiving dinner or watching a football game.

  7. So “Make America Great Again” really means, “Make America White Again”?

    Therefore, you believe the white race and greatness are synonymous?

    Not very flattering to all of your minority brethren is it?



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