CALEXIT: Leader of anti-Trump secession effort in California gives up to live in Russia – IOTW Report

CALEXIT: Leader of anti-Trump secession effort in California gives up to live in Russia

Michelle Malkin-  

CalExit effort, dasvidaniya!

The leader of California secession campaign has decided that he would like to live in Russia permanently, and is therefore abandoning his efforts to make the Golden State its own country.

In a lengthy statement Monday, Louis Marinelli, president of the separatist group Yes California, announced he was withdrawing his petition for a referendum on secession. Instead, he plans to apply to be a live permanently in Russia, where he currently resides.

“I have found in Russia a new happiness, a life without the albatross of frustration and resentment towards ones’ homeland, and a future detached from the partisan divisions and animosity that has thus far engulfed my entire adult life,” Marinelli wrote.

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20 Comments on CALEXIT: Leader of anti-Trump secession effort in California gives up to live in Russia

  1. He’s not very patient, California is moving swiftly toward a socialist utopia. Everybody will have free housing, food, phones, transportation, medical, education, a monthly stipend for drugs, free needles, flowers in their hair and freedom of choice of bathrooms.

  2. I read about some fellow who did something similar in the 1950s – he moved to his commmunist utopia of Russia. It didn’t work out so well, and it turns out his vision of the Soviet Union was completely false.

    Eventually, this guy was able to return to the United States, although the US didn’t particularly want him back and Russia didn’t want him at all. And despite seeing and experiencing first hand how life works under a communist system, he didn’t learn a thing from the experience. Later, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated an American President in Dallas.

    The upshot of the story is that people like Oswald and Marinelli will certainly become disillusioned by socialism in practice, but will never change their political views. It would be wise to prevent him from returning once he learns the truth.

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