CalExit Leaders Believe if Catalonia Can Do it, California’s Independence Easier – IOTW Report

CalExit Leaders Believe if Catalonia Can Do it, California’s Independence Easier

Breitbart: California’s erstwhile secession movement has been inspired by Catalonia’s fight for independence, believing that California’s secession will be even easier.

The movement has splintered in recent months—known as CalExit and Yes, California alternatively—but the lead campaign is now headed up by the California Freedom Coalition, who believe there are lessons to be learned from Catalonia’s experience.

But the big difference, according to the Sacramento Bee;

[t]hey believe California has more legal tools at its disposal, creating an easier path to secession – if that’s what Californians decide they want.

“There are definitely similarities in the fiscal situation – we both give more than we get back,” said Dave Marin, director of research and policy for the California Freedom Coalition. “But there’s more flexibility in the U.S. Constitution for secession than there is in the Spanish one. California has more tools available to it.”

The Catalan Parliament, together with President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont, approved in September a binding referendum to make Catalonia an “independent and sovereign state.” Spain’s constitutional court suspended the process, but Catalan authorities continued with the vote on Oct. 1, prompting violence between voters and Spanish security forces tasked with shutting it down.

After a majority who voted in the referendum cast ballots for independence, Puigdemont issued a symbolic declaration of independence from Spain on Tuesday, but immediately suspended it to ease negotiations with the Madrid government…

Even though Catalonia succeeded in its attempt to vote for secession, it now must decide if it’s willing to risk the wrath of a spurned powerful centralized government crackdown.  Things could get even more violent—and not surprisingly:  all break-ups are painful, but try to “break up” with a huge, all-powerful government that can crush the life out of you by sending in its army.  more here

26 Comments on CalExit Leaders Believe if Catalonia Can Do it, California’s Independence Easier


    2 Cor. 6:14 “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”

    I don’t think of ANY of these people as my countrymen anymore. Whatever disaster strikes them, I am just as happy as they are when it strikes us. I could care a less about their well-being, and don’t want our troops fighting for the preservation of their right to destroy our way of life.

  2. Well, if they leave, we don’t have to worry about Hillary and crowd complaining about winning the popular vote again. I would like to know how we would be compensated for our naval base in San Diego or if that will end up like the British in Gibraltar. Looks like the border fence is going to get a little longer as well. They would be kind of hosed on the whole trade negotiation thing since they would have to work out travel restrictions and fly over rights with Trump. Don’t forget about water rights as well. They also are screwed on the whole rail and highway distribution situation. I am sure that the ports of Portland and Seattle will love taking up the slack as San Diego, LA, and San Francisco no longer remain as points of entry for US goods.

  3. If it’s California Freedom you want, go back to the 70s wherever the hell you were and stay there … May your actual home town have you back for the Holidays and eat you for supper !!!

  4. One major difference is that Spain doesn’t want Catalonia to leave, where America would be much better off if CA would.
    CA is a net loss – the toilet of America (outside of Chicago, Detroit, and New York – and Taxachusetts – and Maryland – and Virginia – and New Mexico – and … oh, shit …).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. We’ve seen it in Catalonia. We’ve seen it in Greece. We’ve seen it in Scotland. “If you don’t give us way, way more of other people’s money, then we’re outta’ here!” “Oh, that means no, absolutely no more more of other people’s money? Never mind.”

  6. First off, Catalonia isn’t a free state yet.
    There’s a lot of problems with succession. If there wasn’t Texas would have left long ago.
    California, what are you going to use for money, your so deep in debt no bankers will touch your pie in the sky ideas or your bullet train to nowhere.
    You have abundant natural resources, such as oil, that you refuse to utilize for ecological reasons. You would rather depend on solar power than use cheaper and more dependable natural gas. God forbid some body even mentioning nuclear. Ca. has some of the highest home prices in the USA, and taxes are ridiculous. Your legislature consistently votes for any freebie for residents, legal or not, regardless of the economic impact. Your running a deficit and still keep spending money you don’t have.
    If you were in Texas we would have recalled the governor and the entire legislature by now. They would have been tarred and feathered and run out of state on a rail.
    Be advised, as there are no treaties with new California, exports will be levied a heavy tariff, this means every thing from avocados to movies.
    On the upside for the USA you get all your fruitcake politicians back, including Waters, Harris, Feinstein and Pelosi.
    The USA will keep all its military bases and access to them will not be impeded. Cuba can live with it so can you.
    So go ahead and secede. The logistics are virtually impossible to achieve. And remember, don’t come crying to the US taxpayer when you fall flag on y9ur ass.

  7. Does California really pay more in taxes than they get back from the Federal government? How is that possible in a state that has 34% of all welfare recipients in the nation but only 12% of the population? Aren’t most welfare programs funded at least in part by the federal government?

  8. Please do. I will leave and take my skills and weakth with me and go to a free state that obeys the Constitution. The upset in the Electoral College will assure Republican victories in the real United States for several generations.

  9. “There are definitely similarities in the fiscal situation – we both give more than we get back,” said Dave Marin, director of research and policy for the California Freedom Coalition.


  10. California is Liberal due to massive ILLEGAL immigration and voter fraud.
    Why would anyone want to give away the State that has a GDP of 2.5 Trillion (in 2015)? California has the sixth largest economy in the world. That is, larger than most countries.
    From 1952 to 1988 California elected Republican presidents with a few exceptions.
    After Reagan the Liberals started massive illegal immigration to stop the Republicans. Build the wall and California will return to the State it used to be.

  11. @ Rat Fink- I don’t think Cali knows what they want. They seem to wake up in a new world every day. They seem quite willing to sacrifice the future of their state for whatever is the hot topic of the day with no idea of what tomorrow will bring. The state legislature has the foresight of an earthworm. I cannot comprehend such stupidity.

  12. “I don’t think Cali knows what they want”

    It’s 10 wealthy libtards that are not smart enough to see both sides of the fiscal equation. They don’t speak for the rest of us.

  13. @Tiger Eyes October 15, 2017 at 12:19 pm

    But California feels no need to fix that issue while they can play the “they’re ours when we want ’em, and yours when we don’t” game. And the rest of the dump site — when California doesn’t want ’em, anymore — feels no need to fix that issue while it’s “California’s problem”. Just like Nancy Pelosi in the federal House.

  14. @ Bad_Brad October 15, 2017 at 5:28 pm

    @Tiger Eyes described the issue as “massive ILLEGAL immigration and voter fraud”. Not California, itself. But I’ll stand by my response. Even for California, itself. Northern California is not interested in doing the work required to save California from it’s south coast “problem”. (That’s human nature, not an indictment of the humans in Northern California.) California’s south coast has less than no incentive to change. As long as they can shift the downsides off on someone else, while hoarding any upsides. Even if that someone else is still in California.

  15. Anonymous

    What do you suggest we do? We have no votes that count. Tiger Eyes is correct about the voter fraud in Southern California. Latest estimate 6 million. Short of taking up arms we are shit out of luck until the Federal Government does something about the voter fraud. And even then heavily populated L.A and San Fransisco are liberal shit holes with a ton of votes. If you look at the electoral map for the last election, county by county, Trump won the land mass. Unfortunately that doesn’t count. But the feds better step in on the fraud and the illegals or we’ll be calling this nation the United States of California. Again we’re all open for suggestions.

  16. @Bad_Brad October 15, 2017 at 6:25 pm

    I would not suggest anything, for a host of reasons. One of which happens to be that “we’re all open for suggestions”. But, I’ll quote you: “Short of taking up arms we are shit out of luck”. Obviously, suggestions other than “smile and tip well” for your treatment are already available. I’m not saying the suggestions you’ve already heard will work. But, since none of them are unfolding, even the ones that might work are “too much work” to undertake. Same as for America cleaning up the federal mess caused by California.

  17. Nobodies smiling and leaving a tip. And talk of taking up arms is bad ass unless your the one that needs to do it. That a zero sum game until local LEO backs that play. Conservatives shut down a public meeting at the Capitol yesterday. We’re making our voice as loud a possible. I think most California conservatives are either leaving or waiting for the state to collapse. And that has a much better chance of happening if the Feds don’t bale California out.

  18. Federalism.
    Or at least, a State sort of Federalism.
    Representatives by population.
    Senate by County.
    NO Legislation passed without majorities in BOTH houses.
    And tax authorities should only be passed by super-majorities, of, say, 5/8 of Registered Voters. Registered Voters, not of those who vote. That way a stay-at-home is a negative vote, automatically. This would encourage participation and make the passage of onerous Legislation more difficult.

    But, like a fart in a hurricane – it makes no difference – people don’t want solutions – they want to bitch.

    izlamo delenda est …

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