Calgary authorities are siding with the man who undressed in girls’ public pool changing room – IOTW Report

Calgary authorities are siding with the man who undressed in girls’ public pool changing room

(LifeSiteNews) — It is important that Canadians, when listening to politicians such as Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Rachel Notley, and a motley crew of others, understand what they are talking about when they declare their support for “transgender rights.” What they mean — but don’t say — is that biological men who identify as women have the legal right to frequent female-only spaces, regardless of whether they have “transitioned.”

An example of this policy in action occurred recently in Calgary and was reported by the Western Standard. A 15-year-old girl went to Canyon Meadows Pool for swimming lessons. It was on the third day that she was exposed to an adult male’s penis in the changing area. “I was just finishing up changing when a man came in with an arrogant look on his face,” the teen told the Standard.  “He promptly undressed. He walked around the room naked for some time. I got out of there as fast as I could. I felt shaken up and horrified that this was allowed to happen.” more

19 Comments on Calgary authorities are siding with the man who undressed in girls’ public pool changing room

  1. Here is a scenario where Calgary authorities will take action:

    If a Christian minister speaks out on how it is wrong for a girl to have to see such a thing, that minister will be arrested for violating the man’s Charter Rights.

    By this point Alberta jails probably have more clergy than the Vatican.

  2. I suggest that women and girls, if at all possible, stay in groups in areas where the pervs intrude.
    Father’s, brothers, uncles, whatever males are in their lives, need to teach the young ladies how to go full Lorena Bobbitt on these MFers.
    If he wasn’t “transitioned” when he walked in, he sure as hell would be when EMS carried him out.
    I’m all for an “I Spit on Your Grave” scenario.

  3. “…she was exposed to an adult male’s penis…”

    That can be very traumatic for women. Hell, even I don’t like being exposed to an adult male’s penis!

  4. Bring in the pissed off Muslim parents who do not want their covered daughters and wives seeing naked men. Who will have the ‘rights’ in this situation? Trans is just another word for mentally ill or wanna be rapist.

  5. Eugenia,

    That is exactly what is starting to happen.
    In the Downtown CITY, the Trannies can get away with their shit.
    (liberal whites)
    In the Suburbs (particularly DIXON Rd. Bounded by ISLINGTON ave. & KIPLING ave.) it AIN”T HAPPENING. Think: “Black Hawk Down”



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