California: 1,000 hidden bicycles found in a bunker along Santa Ana River homeless encampment – IOTW Report

California: 1,000 hidden bicycles found in a bunker along Santa Ana River homeless encampment


The makeshift bunker beneath a recently-displaced Fountain Valley homeless encampment was big enough for a grown person to stand inside, replete with wood-paneled walls and a support beam, and accessible only via a small hatch camouflaged to blend in with its dirt surroundings.

The half-loaded .357 Magnum found near the same camp, along the Santa Ana River, contained three empty shell casings – meaning it had been fired.

And the 1,000 bicycles discovered hidden away in the flood-control channel’s dark tunnel system in Santa Ana, two miles north of the encampment, could suggest a large-scale theft ring.


Orange County sheriff’s deputies and public employees said they uncovered unusual and dangerous conditions in the recently cleared homeless camps on the riverbed in Fountain Valley and in portions of the river to the north. The findings, they said, posed public safety risks and indicated that the area was rife with crime, though the sheriff’s department provided no evidence linking that the gun or bicycles came from

“It just backs up the data that we’ve collected, which says there is a significant criminal element in the homeless encampments,” sheriff’s Lt. Jeff Puckett said.

The sheriff’s department provided no evidence linking that the gun or bicycles to the homeless or the Fountain Valley encampment but said the investigation is ongoing.  read more


26 Comments on California: 1,000 hidden bicycles found in a bunker along Santa Ana River homeless encampment

  1. Oh they’re just poor homeless people who will have to relocate to another homeless bunker in Anaheim. Forget about the public defecation, hepatitis epidemic, property crime and bums pissing in your doorway. Hater.

  2. Ever read about what the ChiComs did
    when they took over China?? They went
    to Shanghai on the water front.Rounded
    up all the opium addicts,whores,drunks and
    gamblers and homeless cra-cra people.Then they
    took them to the country and shot them in the head.
    Same thing gona happen here if the demo-commies ever
    take complete control…

  3. “It just backs up the data that we’ve collected, which says there is a significant criminal element in the homeless encampments,” sheriff’s Lt. Jeff Puckett said.

    Jeeze, how long did it take you geniuses to solve that one, Columbo?

  4. I carry a .357 magnum everyday and I always wondered what a fired round would look like.
    Near as I can figure 3 empty shell casings means it’s been fired 3 times.
    I could be wrong, it could have fired and then reloaded leaving the 3 empties.
    There is no law saying you have to dump your empties.

  5. I am so bloody sick of homeless people being treated with kid gloves in this country, and the friggin bleeding heart, do-gooder enablers who feed and pamper these parasites. Round them all up. If they are criminals, lock them up. If they have mental issues (most do) then institutionalize them. The rest? Cut off all welfare and other forms of support. It used to be that way, but those days are over thanks to the politicians.

  6. @Bad_Brad: If I was in charge, I’da wholesaled out all the good ones to anti-automobile, tree-hugging lib environmentalists on the West Coast and sold the rest for scrap. All proceeds (minus my 25% administrative fee, of course) would go to the Trump re-election campaign.



  7. Putting aside the crazy guy who hates people who ride bicycles, who benefits from a thousand stolen bikes?… Why the guy who sells new bikes to those whose bikes were stolen or lost.
    Then again, it could be someone who believes that our modern world is about to become ruined by global warming/change/or some other event and bicycles will be the only form of transportation available, so he wanted to corner the market on bikes.
    Or….California, the home of fruits and nuts.

  8. “Half loaded”?

    I musta missed that term in my NRA courses.

    Maybe he meant the homeless were half loaded.

    So is a 30 round magazine with only 15 rounds left ” half loaded”?

    It’s always cute when the MSM enlighten us about firearms. Don’t forget to throw in technical insider terms like “clip” and “bullet button”.

  9. @geoff the aardvark: You can’t drive your car around in the Burning Man campgrounds (for obvious reasons), so a lot of people bring a bicycle for transportation. Unless it’s a really nice bike (and sometimes even if it is) many find it easier to leave it there than to lug it back home. So much for BM’s “Leave No Trace” motto, huh?

    Actually, this year’s bike haul (as they usually do) is going for a good purpose:

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