California: 2020 Democrat Debate Gets Tense – IOTW Report

California: 2020 Democrat Debate Gets Tense

Huh. I didn’t even know they were having one.
Here are the lowlights- From Washington Examiner:

Tensions explode between Buttigieg and Warren on the debate stage.
Butticheek went to some ‘wine cave’ in California and Fauxcahontas was ragging him about billionaires funding him.

Debate moderator pushes myth of hate crimes against transgender people.
Only most of those crimes had nothing to do with transgenderism. Analysis fail on that one. Nice try.

Warren pledges to read names of murdered transgender women of color annually from Rose Garden.
Of course she said that. It was the topic de la nuit! Liz is about as original as bacteria.

‘ ‘You lost by 20 points’: Klobuchar taunts Buttigieg over record of election defeats’

“Again, I would — if you had won in Indiana, that would be one thing. You tried, and you lost by 20 points,” Klobuchar said.


Sanders wants a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. What if they’re on welfare?
Doesn’t matter. Our casa is their casa.

And from Breitbart:
***Live Updates*** Democrats Debate in California

There. Now you’re caught up.

11 Comments on California: 2020 Democrat Debate Gets Tense

  1. I think it comes down to whether Ukraine knocks Biden out, in which case it’s Butt guy vs. Liawatha. Bernie will never poll above 19%.
    About time they started going after each other – after all only one wins the honor of being destroyed by Trump, in the debates and in the election.

  2. When you have a panel of PBS idgits serving up softball questions, the answers are bound to be “profound”.

    I especially liked the dingbat “woman of color” who insisted on pronouncing Afghanistan as “Off-on-ees-dan” with the expectation all would be wowed. As it were, the candidates all pretended to not know what she was referring to.
    When your main objective is to “become” the debate you’re not part of, you shouldn’t expect to be asked to host future debates.

  3. “‘Warren pledges to read names of murdered transgender women of color annually from Rose Garden.‘

    Liz, is that only transgender women of color who are genetically women wanting to be men or those wannabe women who are genetically men ?

    And if statistics hold, you are targeting a really small part of transgender women, leaving out all Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic, Aboriginal, Middle Eastern, Native American Indian, Pacific Islanders, Eskimo and etc, transgender women.

    Talk about elitist pandering.

  4. Warren would ‘read the names of mental sodomites
    that were killed, in the Rose Garden’.How about
    read the names of children that were killed and
    raped by illegal invaders instead?


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