California-52: Republican Muslim Congressional candidate says “I am against Sharia” – IOTW Report

California-52: Republican Muslim Congressional candidate says “I am against Sharia”

Jihad Watch: Hamas-linked CAIR is furious; its Bay Area rep Zahra Billoo was fulminating against Qudrat on Twitter not too long ago. But Qudrat is, of course, right about both CAIR and about Sharia, about which he says, It is unconstitutional, period. It has no place in the United States. It has no place anywhere in the world.”

Will Hamas-linked CAIR denounce Qudrat as “Islamophobic”? Will they discount his lived experience as a Muslim and claim he knows nothing about Sharia? Probably.  MORE

SNIP: Check him out here  & here

14 Comments on California-52: Republican Muslim Congressional candidate says “I am against Sharia”

  1. If he is willing to go on the record to reject sharia and take CAIR to task I say give him a chance. If he turns into a Keith Ellison then boot him out in the next election.

  2. What Pelopidas said.
    Because if he was playing around trying to be funny as a Republican, he’s taking a huge risk of getting his head separated from his neck. And from the other muslims, too. lol

  3. Taqiyya.

    Assuming there are sincerely peaceful Mohammedans (and I can only assume there are) who are willing to deny and defy the violence inherent in Mohammed’s commands, I can’t imagine how they must feel having to live under the shadow of taqiyya. There is NOTHING they could possibly do – even renounce Islam and profess faith in another religion – that could or would convince some because a tenet of their faith is that lying about ANYTHING is appropriate IF it advances Islam. That means there are some who will not believe nor trust them no matter what they do. Not their fault, but it’s not the fault of the people who are wary of them. It’s Islam’s fault. I can’t imagine what living under that would be like.

  4. Islam is a totalitarian political system that is incompatible with freedom loving capitalists, living in a civilized society. I don’t believe this guy for even 1 second.

  5. “… I say give him a chance … “

    at this point, from what I’ve seen across the world, I’m not willing to take that chance

    … but hey, hasn’t worked so far, soooo … go for it … what could go wrong?


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