California Agency Took 9 Years to Create Fire Map – IOTW Report

California Agency Took 9 Years to Create Fire Map

CPR: Not only has it taken a California agency nine years and counting, to create a “Fire Map”, but last year when presented with a bill to push the process, Jerry Brown VETOED the bill. He is the cause of the intensity of the fire—refusing to clear brush, cut trees, get rid of dead trees—and NOT forcing his agency to do their job.

“The California state agency charged with overseeing utility companies took nine years to develop a consistent statewide map designating areas at high risk for destructive power-line fires.

Seven of those years took place during outgoing Gov. Jerry Brown’s time in office and six were during the tenure of a president of a key state agency who resigned after a series of leadership scandals.

Longtime critics of the utility companies and their role in sparking some of the state’s worst wildfires are voicing new concerns after reports that PG&E’s transmission line malfunctioned minutes before the start of the Camp Fire, the deadliest, most destructive fire in the state’s history.

The fire was not directly caused by government. The intensity of the fire was due to government policy—or lack of policy.  more

11 Comments on California Agency Took 9 Years to Create Fire Map

  1. Yea, well there’s ⛽️, State Government supplied or otherwise, there’s probably a potential for 🔥. These freaking auto amogies, or WTF, are driving me nuts. I’m feeling gay.

  2. Wildlife and the environment (hell, even PEOPLE) are only collateral damage in the left’s battle to kill Trump’s presidency. Their story is that this is the result of man-made climate change and Trump’s refusal to do anything about it, and that claim will dominate every other theory about how and why the fire started.

  3. California is bankrupt. So are most Public Employee Pension Funds. Time to clean house. Shut down all non essential agencies, get out of debt. Only a matter of time before bloated, inefficient, and ineffective government demands higher taxes to bail out massively over compensated public employees.


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