California: Apple’s chief security officer and several Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office employees have been indicted for bribery – IOTW Report

California: Apple’s chief security officer and several Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office employees have been indicted for bribery

Just The News: Apple’s chief security officer has been indicted by a grand jury for allegedly offering bribes to secure concealed weapon licenses for several company employees. 

The security chief, Thomas Moyer, allegedly promised to donate 200 iPads to the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office, in California, in exchange for concealed carry licenses withheld from Apple employees,” said county District Attorney Jeff Rosen.

Two county sheriffs, Undersheriff Rick Sung and Capt. James Jensen, were also indicted in the scheme, for allegedly extracting the promise from Moyer to have the company donate the iPads, worth $70,000. MORE

12 Comments on California: Apple’s chief security officer and several Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office employees have been indicted for bribery

  1. Answerman Cooper: Probably a disgruntled employee at Apple who was cut out of getting a carry permit but their coworkers were on the list. Either way, glad to see the chumps get their come uppins.

    MJA: Police/Sheriff departments are always dealing with budget. $70,000 in Ipads for the department (and themselves) wasn’t an easy thing to pass up. Besides, who would ever find out? LMAO! Plenty of whistleblowers out there. Could have originated in the Sheriff’s Dept., as well. Not many honest people around any more.

  2. “Tom Moyer is innocent of the charges filed against him,” Moyer’s lawyer, Ed Swanson, told CNBC. “He did nothing wrong and has acted with the highest integrity throughout his career. We have no doubt he will be acquitted at trial.”

    Good luck in finding a jury where someone doesn’t like cops.

  3. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the RIGHT of the people to keep and BEAR Arms, shall not be infringed.

    My take on this is: The State needs to show a compelling interest in each and every case that the person has forfeit that right or they are acting outside of the Constitution. That is the root cause of the problem.

    Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  4. Oh knowes, not Apple! Pure, pure Apple!
    They can do no harm, this cannot be, apples are so wholesome.
    Even if they are a trillion dollar company with all the power that entails.
    (my sarcasm is lost on all the young-uns who’ve swallowed whole that myth and defiantly deny that Apple tracks, them, brainwashes them, and essentially owns their minds)

  5. It’s damn near impossible getting a carry permit from that Nazi Sheriff they have in Santa Clara County. The city counsel reminds me of Portland’s. Apple Security guy should counter sue for the infringing on his 2A rights.

  6. Scumbag AG Barr is protecting Antifa, refusing to investigate the funders of the attackers of Sen Rand Paul.

    I don’t think most of us see the actual tyranny coming if bideb is allowed in. Antifa and BLM Brownshirts will be an official intimidation force of our government.

    It’s time to resist – NOW.


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