California Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-7) pushes Bill to Guarantee Teachers Cannot Shoot Back if Attackers Strike – IOTW Report

California Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-7) pushes Bill to Guarantee Teachers Cannot Shoot Back if Attackers Strike

Not a Photoshop. This is all him.

Breitbart: California Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-7) is pushing legislation to take away school administrators’ power to allow teachers with a Carry Concealed Weapon license (CCW) to be armed in classrooms for self-defense.

McCarty’s bill–AB 424–was introduced months ago and is snaking its way through the legislative process.

He introduced the bill on February 13 and in mid-March reported that it was being pushed as a way “of closing a loophole in the Gun Free School Zone Act. That act, also known as SB 707, barred firearms on school grounds, but made exceptions for anyone granted permission by local superintendents.” AB 424 would take away superintendents’ powers to allow teachers with CCW’s to be armed for self-defense.

Gun Owners of California’s Sam Peredes talked to Breitbart News on May 12 and said, “Two years ago, California passed a bill saying a concealed carry permit holder could not carry on any school campus unless they had the authorization of the school administrator. Well, out of the one thousand school districts in California, five of them decided to allow concealed permit holders to carry on their campuses. That so ticked off the legislature that now they are going to take away the authority of even administrators to allow CCW holders to carry on their campuses.” read more

19 Comments on California Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-7) pushes Bill to Guarantee Teachers Cannot Shoot Back if Attackers Strike

  1. Among many giant pieces of shit in Cali’s State legislature this guy stands tall. He’s the most Anti Gun ass hole ever. During Gunagedon published all these assholes home addresses. They all cried like little girls. They tried to get a court injunction to stop CalGuns. DENIED. So they went and hire ARMED security. You know, with guns. They also made themselves exempt from their legislation.

  2. All these anti-gun assholes that take guns away from law-abiding citizens have a moral obligation to personally go into the hood and disarm the non-law-abiding citizens.

  3. Delusional people like this ass hat are too young to be a direct product of the 60s, but I am convinced it is their parents who took too much LSD and just never came down.

  4. “I will never comply! ”

    I’m a Cali FFL, a shooter, and I hear that all the time and here’s why I think that path is a dead loser. What good is your gun buried in the back yard. Being good with a gun is an acquired and perishable skill. Better off just trying to get our damn rights back.

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