California: Audit Finds L.A.’s Homeless Outreach Agency Isn’t Doing Their Job – IOTW Report

California: Audit Finds L.A.’s Homeless Outreach Agency Isn’t Doing Their Job


Los Angeles officials have made a big deal about ‘fixing’ the homeless problem in its streets.

So, a homeless outreach agency, called Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), was created to help move those living on the streets into either shelters, housing or treatment centers.

They have failed miserably.

Now, that’s not just our opinion. According to the Los Angeles Times, an audit by L.A. City Controller Rob Galperin found that LAHSA has failed to meet more than HALF of their goals for the last two fiscal years.

What kind of goals were they supposed to hit?

Of the homeless people they assessed:

  • 10% were supposed to be placed in permanent housing, they housed only 4%.
  • 20% were supposed to be placed in shelters, only 14% ended up in shelters. Keep reading

16 Comments on California: Audit Finds L.A.’s Homeless Outreach Agency Isn’t Doing Their Job

  1. Say it isn’t so…..a liberal program isn’t supposed to solve the problems it helped create….. heaven forbid! Okay, it doesn’t; never mind. I wonder how many cronies wives (you know, the Junior League feel gooders)it’s “helping”?

  2. The efficiency of all governmental agencies is inversely proportional to its size;
    local agencies, by and large, are more transparent and accountable than state-run agencies, going up the bloat scale to the federal government.

    Aside from crushing our enemies and securing our border from invaders, there is nothing promoting or protecting our polity that requires government involvement (intrusion).

    Yet one more reason why that gaggle of socialists on the left scare the bejuese out of me, given their druthers they would inject big government into every aspect of our lives.

  3. Obviously they need two more agencies, one over and one under the LAHSA.

    The regulatory weenies will have to rewrite all the rules and regulations, which means hiring lots of experts and contractors so that that eventually (after prolly 50 million more of taxpayer $$$ down the drain) lower expectations = success.

  4. Zonga, reminds me of when we had to hire (and pay) a consultant when the company I once worked for decided to get an ISO 9000 rating. Cost a small fortune and as my GM so profoundly stated “This still doesn’t guarantee us more revenue for the shop.” It’s a racket.

  5. The Left is only good at Propaganda.
    They will only ever talk about “fixing” the Homeless problem.
    They won’t resolve it because that would eliminate a “Good Crisis” that generates a LOT of revenue!

  6. These agencies are a rip off and should be investigated. Where is all the money going as homelessness increases? I see their failures every day, as I work in LA.Homelessness is on the increase in most major cities and towns across the US. Time for the fed’s to step in.

  7. A conservative Pres said in his SotU ’82, “the govt can not solve our problems … THE GOVT IS OUR PROBLEM!”!

    Has been true since Cain + Able. will ALWAYS BE TRUE!

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