California Bar Owner Reaches Desperation Point – Blocks COVID Health Dept Enforcer, Confronts Police – IOTW Report

California Bar Owner Reaches Desperation Point – Blocks COVID Health Dept Enforcer, Confronts Police

Conservative Treehouse:

(H/T Todd Starnes) Carlos Roman is the owner of a Bread & Barley restaurant in Covina, California, who reached his breaking point with health inspectors and COVID compliance officers when a public health dept. official ordered his restaurant to shut down.

[Facebook Video Here – Article HERE and HERE]

Mr. Roman decided if he was going to lose everything; if his employees were going to lose their livelihoods; if the system was going to destroy them under the weight of unilateral decrees and fiats; then he was going to block the health inspector from doing his job.

The police were called-in to deal with Carlos Roman’s act of defiance.  The situation within the video speaks for itself.  People are getting desperate… Acts of resistance are spreading. American workers and Main Street are being destroyed… Meanwhile congress wants to send hundreds of millions of taxpayer funds to foreign shores.  Think about it. MORE

11 Comments on California Bar Owner Reaches Desperation Point – Blocks COVID Health Dept Enforcer, Confronts Police

  1. My heart breaks for the small businessmen like this.
    People swarming all over Lowes, Home Depot, Costco, etc. yet the little guy trying to feeds a few mouths gets rammed up the ass thanks to the motto of the Left:
    “Wherever there’s wrong-doing, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s injustice, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s corruption, We’ll be there!”
    “And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on a little guy, we’ll be there too…
    helping to hold the little guy down!

    You can keep yer “New Normal” and go fuck yerself with it!

  2. Mean while Sacramento FBI is soliciting certain individuals for the following job description. “Tactical Urban Response Technician”. LE experience is not a determining factor. They’re after trigger pullers.

  3. TRF: I wonder if governments are going to prorate licensing fees for the time they required businesses to be shut down.

    I was talking to the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus about that just this morning.

  4. You’ll know people have reached their breaking point when these compliance officials and their police start going home after an assault and finding their homes burned and their families dead.

    And that isn’t going to happen anytime soon, people are still willing to comply even if they bitch about it and do irrational things that just get them in trouble without solving anything.


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