California Can’t Afford to Fix Dams, But They Want to Give Universal Healthcare to Illegal Ali – IOTW Report

California Can’t Afford to Fix Dams, But They Want to Give Universal Healthcare to Illegal Ali

CFP: Only in California…

The land of Pelosi, fruits and nuts has a state debt that is spiraling out of control (over a trillion dollars), they are so short on water they have to buy much of it from neighboring states and they have a healthcare industry that is on the brink of collapse due to the ever burgeoning population of illegal aliens. (Or as Governor Moonbeam would say “undocumented workers”.)

California is a state that willingly shifts money away from very legitimate public concerns, such as their infrastructure (the Oroville dam being the latest example) and pours it into “progressive” causes – like healthcare for all the “undocumented workers”, including the millions who don’t actually work but do receive food stamps, WIC vouchers and other goodies.

A number of California hospitals no longer operate and even trying to get treatment in Los Angeles county is generally fraught with delays.



25 Comments on California Can’t Afford to Fix Dams, But They Want to Give Universal Healthcare to Illegal Ali

  1. I live to see the day when Jerry Brown is gone and Kevin DeLeon and his brood of illegal family members is incarcerated and/or deported.

    And fuck Gavin Nuissance too.

    Oh, and I’ll be keeping my non-registered (undocumented) assault weapons.

  2. CA is confident that the US taxpayers will bail them out.
    They can engage in any imbecility with impunity – just as New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, blah, blah, blah, until the house of cards collapses (see Greece, Cyprus, Spain, &c.).
    They are, literally, willing to destroy their State (and their Country) to entertain their Globaloney-ist notions.

    Why can we not call this what it is?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. In 2014 California passed a 7.12 billion dollar water bond. Nobody seems to know where that money is being used. But it sure ass hell isn’t being used on any water projects. A couple of our conservative state officials have just started investigating and so far they can’t find what that money is being used for.


    That’s true, however proof would put one shit load of people in jail for a long time. That Bond was approved by the voters for a specific use. (even though I voted against it). There’s no way that went into the general fund.

  5. I was also told by a friend of mine that Hispanics are allowed to claim dependents living in Mexico on California State Income Tax. I haven’t had a chance to verify that but I believe it to be true.

  6. Commiefornia is like the deadbeat relative always hitting everyone up for a “loan” after they spend extravagantly partying and buying luxuries, but “can’t afford” to pay their rent or utilities, etc.

  7. Most California government employees are using illegals to strengthen the democrat party. They are systematically destroying their very own pensions. Illegals are hugely responsible for the state’s bankruptcy. Government retirees are going to be forced to take very painful pension haircuts. Dumb shits did it to themselves. Are they telling themselves the bankrupt Federal Government is going to bail them out? Almost every Public Employee’s Pension fund in the US is underfunded. Are Californians thinking the other 49 states are going to bail them out?

  8. If I’m not mistaken, California is Ashton Kutcher’s America. Let those great actors who are going to change the world start with bailing out poor people in California with great readings of stuff smarter people wrote.

    I’m sure it will work.

  9. @Tsunami ~ your “… non-registered (undocumented) assault weapons”

    are no longer ‘undocumented’ when you discuss them on a public forum

    …. jus’ sayin’

  10. “When it’s time to bury them, that means it’s actually the time to dig them up. ”

    Yep. And you will be facing a very poorly trained enemy that has minimal rounds down range. The advisory they defeat had zero rounds down range. You are better off training. You will have plenty of warning.

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