California: Cleanup Crews Find Grenade in Homeless Encampment in Sepulveda Basin – IOTW Report

California: Cleanup Crews Find Grenade in Homeless Encampment in Sepulveda Basin


City crews working to clear a homeless encampment in the Sepulveda basin ahead of fire season had to call in the bomb squad after a grenade was discovered there.

Cleanup crews are using dump trucks and bulldozers to help clear out the homeless encampment in the same area where a 6-acre fire broke out last week, torching several impromptu camps where more than 300 homeless people live. more here


Transient Sentenced For Attacks On Elderly.

An Oxnard transient was sentenced this week to six years in prison this week for separate attacks on two elderly people in April.

Adam Barcenas, 57, was found guilty in June after pleading ‘no contest’ to two counts of felony elder abuse and resisting arrest.

Here are the horrifying details of what happened. more

8 Comments on California: Cleanup Crews Find Grenade in Homeless Encampment in Sepulveda Basin

  1. James Comey wrote a letter to the judge in the Adam Barcenas case saying the homeless attacker had no intent to harm the elderly woman he beat to death and should be given a cookie instead of jail time.

  2. Here’s what’s going to happen:
    Some wretch will be hitting the meth pipe in a tent in the middle of a quarter acre of inhabited nylon, polystyrene and plastic and fifty people will die horribly in a very short period of time. Then the 2020 contenders will wail and rend their garments and gnash their teeth, crying to the hostile sky. “This is not who we are!”
    Oh, and blame Mr. Trump. Can’t forget the most important part.

  3. A homeless Vet managed to bring back a remembrance of his fun times in Iraq/Afghanistan? I have read that grenades were used for fragging out of deep frustration in Vietnam. Maybe it was being kept for expressing similar anger in the USA. So just where are all these expelled homeless going to be allowed to set up camp again. Maybe in a permanent Rex84 gulag out in the desert somewhere? If they would get transported in trucks out of sight, at night, maybe they could be quickly walled up behind barbed wired fencing to make sure they don’t get out to be a mass of bothersome misfits any more. Sort of like Area 51 secure, so it could be kept secret. Watch towers with armed guards to keep them inside would be an effective security for the freedom assuming Americans being good citizens outside, of course. Ben Garrison could ink a doozie on this subject.(Sarcasm!)


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