California Considers Requiring Ethnic Studies Course to Graduate High School – IOTW Report

California Considers Requiring Ethnic Studies Course to Graduate High School

CPR: As a teacher in Los Angeles county, Jose Lara has fought for years to have ethnic studies taught in high schools across the state. He’s taught the course for 13 years and says he’s seen his students transform by studying their history—whether learning about Cesar Chavez, who led the farmworkers movement in the ’60s, or about Angel Island, a port of entry near San Francisco that limited Chinese immigration in the early 1900s.

“Ethnic studies helps students develop an academic identity,” he said. “It really builds empathy cross-culturally as well so it brings communities that may be different from one another closer together.”

But skeptics say the state couldn’t afford to require such a course. Some critics go even further, insisting the state shouldn’t reinforce “identity politics” and instead should laser-focus on shrinking the academic achievement gap for black and Latino students. read more

17 Comments on California Considers Requiring Ethnic Studies Course to Graduate High School

  1. I gots tobe honest. I was uder the impression Ethnical Type Studies have been required here from like the 80’s. Dear Jose Lara, please move your weak Mex ass back to where it will be decapitated, and your body hung from an overpass. La Raza!!!!

  2. Hey Joe. When I was young, a millennium ago, in grade school, we use to have movies day once a week in the big auditorium. They would play movies like Davy Crockett starring Fess Parker. Etc, etc, etc. All Patriotic shit. That was SoCal back in the pre historic age. WTF happened. Better question, who caused it to happen? They need ventilated.

  3. Tony R

    Wow dude, what the hell are you smoking? LOL

    Getting passed that, American Mex support Trump. Just not here, but in AZ too. Can’t vouch for Texas. The problem is, we are over run with illegal criminal vermin.

  4. Back in my Junior year of HS I had a year long course that combined both English and History for those requirements of that year. They called it “American Mind”. It was a hell of a class. I was a bit of a problem child at the time so my grades didn’t show it, but I actually got a lot out of the class. It probably isn’t a part of the curriculum any more.

  5. how about studying the dominate ethnic group for once?

    maybe they’ll understand how we got to be the most dominate, wealthy country in the world

    naaaaaaaaah ………… victimhood is so much easier

  6. joe6pak
    I’m so Fing old, the actually taught American Government and the Constitution in school. Now they hide it. These people deserve killing. I’ll tell you the same tomorrow sober.

  7. The Mexican Culture = Tortillas , Beans, Cow’s , Horses, Farming ( cultivating and picking).
    The Black Culture = Sports, Entertainment, Trippin’, Southern Grit’s and Collard greens, and whatever the Democats make them in’to for that Decade.
    Muslim Culture = Ass up prayer, Death and Destruction ( From said Prayers), Fesces throwing and general holding of Fesces, Opium, and Hate.
    That was easy !

  8. California needs to raise the existing standards for graduation instead of adding some BS ethnic studies requirement. Seriously. The basic algebra that my son took as a 7th grader was sufficient for him to have graduated from high school. Really. He needn’t have taken any additional math in high school in order to graduate, although he did 4 years of math in high school, including AP and IB calculus.

  9. All this togetherness nonsense the liberals spout. I don’t feel much togetherness with people of my own race and religion (white protestant), and why should I? This is the land of the free individual. Let freedom ring. Let independence be king. Let the poor huddled masses in other countries remain huddled together, over there.

  10. The Ethnic Study course should concentrate on map reading and how to use that knowledge to return post haste (muy pronto) back to their rightful, and legal, ethnic enclave!


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