California: Could Newsom’s disappearance be a 10-day COVID quarantine? – IOTW Report

California: Could Newsom’s disappearance be a 10-day COVID quarantine?

Where is Governor Newsom?

California Globe: California Governor Gavin Newsom’s last public appearance was October 27th, when he received a coronavirus booster shot. Then, only two days later on October 29th, citing “family obligations,” Gov. Gavin Newsom abruptly cancelled his much anticipated trip to Scotland to attend the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Globe reported. An aid made the surprise announcement.

It’s been 10 days since Gov. Newsom has been seen by the public – unusual for the governor who did daily Coronavirus updates for nearly 18 months on end – and unusual for him to cancel such an important international event where he could hobnob with world leaders.

Rumors have been flying around on social media, and in State Capitol circles.

Could this disappearance be a 10-day quarantine? Does he have COVID?

Some speculate that Newsom may have had a negative reaction to the coronavirus booster shot.

Others say there are problems of a more personal and marital nature – the rumor mill is active in Sacramento. more

13 Comments on California: Could Newsom’s disappearance be a 10-day COVID quarantine?

  1. It used to be that I didn’t wish early death on anybody.

    Then I realized that there were a handful of exceptions and so I had “a little list”.

    That list isn’t little any longer. I hope Noisome is dead and that he suffered a bit before croaking.

  2. It’s not the jab. He’s a saltwater scammer. If he’s not letting his daughter get the jab, he’s certainly not getting it. Something else, hopefully worse, is going on.

  3. These people live in such an echo chamber is it possible they truly don’t know the dangers and believe the safe/effective mantra. We just assume all the leadership is in on it but seeing some of them start having issues one has to wonder if their arrogance and refusal to allow any debate is leading them off the cliff.


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