California county stops all daytime police patrols due to staffing problems – IOTW Report

California county stops all daytime police patrols due to staffing problems

PM: A county in California with one of the highest crime rates in the United States is suspending all its daytime patrols due to a “catastrophic staffing shortage.”

Tehama County, approximately 120 miles north of the state capital Sacramento, is ending the patrols because staff keep leaving and because salaries are comparatively low, according to a press release from the county Sheriff’s Office.

“Beginning November 20, 2022, the Tehama County Sheriff’s Office will suspend day-time patrol services to its designated areas of responsibility within Tehama County. This added reduction of services is necessary to manage a catastrophic staffing shortage throughout the agency,” the press release, posted to Facebook, began. MORE HERE

19 Comments on California county stops all daytime police patrols due to staffing problems

  1. Something smells here boys. Tehama County is Red Neck Conservative. Ultra MAGA territory. Their crime rate comes from transient homeless. Tehama County is also a county that defied Newsom’s lock down every step of the way. Tehama County is also one of the NorCal counties that passes carry permits out to anybody that wants one and can qualify. Is the state with holding funds from this county. It’s an AG county so they’re not rich.
    Goldenfox lives just to the south of them. Hopefully she’s got some 411.

  2. @Dr Hambone

    Nah…it is shoot,shovel,shut up. We live NE of Tehama. On a good day if you need law enforcement it is already several hours at best to get a response. If they stopped patrolling…so???. We have a backhoe. Don’t need no stinkin’ shovels.

  3. I sometimes think the defunders should get what they asked for.

    The only thing the police seem to do nowadays is serve the will of the Communists and protect their Brown Shirts.

    If the police…ALL the police…step back, the problem may sort itself out in short order

  4. Tehama County like ours is a poor county up North here. Sacramento River runs by the county, big agriculture area. What’s going on in Tehama and Butte Counties, some asshole is setting bales of rice straw on fire. Oh, and it’s the gateway to Mt. Lassen – an active volcano.

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