California DA Launches Investigation Into Whether Tara Reade Lied While Testifying As Expert Witness – IOTW Report

California DA Launches Investigation Into Whether Tara Reade Lied While Testifying As Expert Witness

Daily Caller:

A California district attorney’s office is investigating whether 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade lied while acting as an expert witness.

Reade testified for a number of years in domestic violence cases as an expert witness for the Monterey County District Attorney’s office, Politico reported. Media coverage of Reade’s academic credentials has thrown her years testifying as an expert under the spotlight, prompting concerns that Reade lied about her credentials in order to qualify as an expert.

“We are investigating whether Ms. McCabe gave false testimony under oath,” Berkley Brannon, the Monterey County chief assistant district attorney, told Politico on Tuesday. Brannon added that their office does not know how many cases Reade acted as a witness in.

“We have no database or search engine to use to determine in how many cases she testified,” Brannon said. “However, that effort is ongoing.” read more

12 Comments on California DA Launches Investigation Into Whether Tara Reade Lied While Testifying As Expert Witness

  1. If she blatantly lied about her credentials, she blantantly lied.

    Still, if biden is not held accountable for groping her, he’s liable for groping children – on live tv – countless times.

  2. Progressive Party Commandment #6: Thou shalt not blaspheme against the Party, or thou shall truly punished & cast down into the den of iniquity & suffer, verily

  3. Well, Joe Biden lied about his academic record, so I guess the two cancelled each other out.

    BTW: It was confirmed in the story that Tara Reade Graduated from Seattle Law School. You don’t get into Law School without an undergraduate degree from somewhere. In the school of hard knocks, she should have a doctorate in domestic abuse, courtesy of Creepy Joe.

  4. I don’t care one worthless, plugged nickel what the Assistant District Attorney of Monterey County thinks about Tara Reade and her previous alleged dishonest testimony. Tara Reades’ accusations about Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s unsavory digital sexual assault and his obviously dishonest protestations of innocence make me convinced that he’s a lying, cheating dog faced pony humping worthless political hack. I believe Tara Reade, even if she lied about her college degree during her sworn testimony years ago.

  5. Christine Blasey Ford?


    He was investigated because he was suddenly “thrown into the spotlight” which is not a legal excuse to start combing through his taxes and child support files. They did it anyway.


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