California Dem. Ammar Campa-Najjar called Munich jihadist grandfather a “hero” and “legend” – IOTW Report

California Dem. Ammar Campa-Najjar called Munich jihadist grandfather a “hero” and “legend”

Jihad Watch: It should be expected that even after close to five decades, the Palestinian Authority and “Fatah still lauds its Olympics massacre”:

in Palestinian ideology the attack and the murders are presented as a “heroic” event to be proud of. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that both the PA and Fatah continuously glorify the terror attack, the terrorists themselves, and those who planned it.

Now comes acutely troubling news:

Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar has deleted an Instagram post in which he referred to his grandfather, Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Yousef al-Najjar, as a “legend.”

Campa-Nijjar did not just reference his jihadist grandfather as a “legend” but also as a “hero”, all while he takes great pains to outwardly parade himself as peaceful and disassociates himself from his grandfather.

Ammar Campa-Najjar has also defended his donation to Hamas-linked CAIR.  more here

3 Comments on California Dem. Ammar Campa-Najjar called Munich jihadist grandfather a “hero” and “legend”

  1. You can’t make this $hit up !
    Purge all muzzie scum from our
    great Christian country ! lest they
    over run us like filthy cockroaches.
    Get a rope I see Keith Elison.

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