California Democrat Introduces Bill to Force Websites to Use ‘Fact-Checkers’ – IOTW Report

California Democrat Introduces Bill to Force Websites to Use ‘Fact-Checkers’

CPR: California State Senator Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) has proposed a bill, the “Online False Information Act,” that would require anyone who posts news on the Internet to verify their information through “fact-checkers.”

The bill, filed quietly in late February as SB 1424, requires all California-based websites to develop a plan to fight “fake news,” to use “fact-checkers,” and to warn readers — including via social media — of “false information.”

The bill reads as follows:

22 Comments on California Democrat Introduces Bill to Force Websites to Use ‘Fact-Checkers’

  1. “Senator Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) is a fascist.”

    I was thinking the same thing. If he were a good commie he’d demand that the government create a State True Facts Unit to police the speech.

  2. Back in the 80s I ran dialup bulletin board systems. Started with half-duplex 110 baud. You can type faster than that. Grew it into a multi-line BBS and a 7-line DDial chat system. People paid me 5 bucks a month. The content was ALL FAKE (except some legit posts in the for sale section) and everyone that dialed in had a great time, people could actually use their brains back then. About 300 calls/day on the DDial and 60 calls/day on the BBS, it was one of the most popular setups in 312 area code.

    I just shake my head at all the fact checking nonsense today. It’s not what the internet was founded on and it’s not what it is intended for. Remember 10 years ago everyone in the mainstream said, “well, it must be true I read it on the Internet,” as a joke indicating everything you read isn’t true, and most people understood. How did we (progressive media collective) get so stoopid?

  3. I believe the majority people are wise to the fact checking BS. If anything site warnings and fact checking, censoring information is just going to make it more interesting and appealing to read.

  4. “Online False Information Act,”

    shouldn’t we have one for cable and broadcast msm too ?

    how about one for teachers in public schools ?

    I want to be the one who decides what’s fact or what’s fiction.

  5. This bill applies to on-line businesses with a physical presence in California, and who presumably pay some level of tax in California. Instead of passing inane legislation like this which will likely force these businesses to move, why doesn’t Senator Pan just propose a resolution that tells businesses “just get the fuck out of my state.”

  6. just run a crawler at the top of the Home page …
    “This site may, or may not contain false, or truthful information in any, all or none of it’s content. Management cannot be responsible for what people will stupidly ultimately swallow consider as fact. We strongly urge readers to use their own intelligence to guide them in discerning the truth, to research every story & subject we post. After all, practically all the facts in the world are just a few clicks away.”


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